No. 511.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Schuyler.
Washington, May 18, 1875.
Sir: Mr. de Voigt, the chargé d’affaires of Russia here, has been very urgent for us to be represented at the proposed telegraphic congress at St. Petersburg. At first the invitation was declined on the ground that telegraphing in this country was done by private enterprise, which was not subject to the control of the Government. He then intimated a disposition to receive delegates from private companies. This was made known to the presidents of two of the most important. They long held it under consideration, but both ultimately declined to be represented on the occasion. Finally, Mr. de Voigt seemed, by his earnestness in regard to the matter, to be so entirely reflecting the wishes of his government, that it was determined to authorize you to be present at the convention. This was done by the telegram, a copy of which is subjoined.
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I am, &c.,