No. 464.
Mr. Gorham
to Mr. Fish.
The Hague, December 19, 1874. (Received January 11, 1875.)
Sir: The King, to-day, formally accepted the resignation of Mr. Loudon, as governor-general of the Dutch East Indies, and appointed in his place Mr. Van Lansberge, Dutch minister at the court of Belgium since June, 1871.
Loudon was appointed for the usual term of five years. Why he retires, after an experience of only about three, is at this moment a matter of conjecture. When sent out he was regarded as eminently qualified for the governorship, so that his friends predicted tor him even a brilliant career. He soon became unpopular with the army, and with the local press, receiving from each source more or less damage. Regarding colonial measures generally, he is reputed to have been in hearty accord with the late minister of colonies, but scarcely so with his successor. His dismission, however, as I am informed by the minister himself, is wholly at his own request.
Mr. Yan Lansberge is considerably experienced in diplomacy, for a man of his years, and is thought to possess administrative and other qualities equal to the duties of his new position. It will be fortunate for the government if these expectations are realized, for, if I mistake not, its affairs in the East require, at this time, the most careful and judicious supervision.
I am, &c.,