No. 436.
Mr. Foster to Mr. Fish.

No. 292.]

Sir: I inclose herewith an editorial, and a translation thereof, from the Federalista, one of the most prominent and influential of the daily newspapers of this capital, presenting a view of the Texas border troubles which is entertained by a large portion of the Mexican public, and which on that account may be interesting to the Department.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 292.—Translation.]

The northern frontier again.

The following letters, which we take from the Progreso, of Matamoras, will give our readers an idea of what is passing in Texas, of the really savage outrages which the Americans are committing upon Mexicans, and which undoubtedly they impute to the latter, in order to have a pretext to demand of our government satisfaction and indemnities, all based upon the most repugnant bad faith.

In our opinion, what these bandits wish is to make for themselves large fortunes at the expense of our country; and with that object in view, they have been and are laboring to organize a grand fraud upon the Mexican treasury.

And on the other hand, this persecution, which has been declared against the Texans of the Mexican race, is a grave indication that they are attempting to do with them as with the ancient inhabitants of the country, to destroy them, killing them like dogs, in order that there may be in their country no other race than the descendants of the Saxon.

Be this as it may, we believe that the government, in view of the data which it may have received, and of those which the newspapers of our own and the Texas frontiers publish, will know how to conduct the negotiations to a good end, acting with justice, but at the same time with dignity.

(Here follows a detailed account of outrages alleged to have been committed in Cameron County, Texas, by native Americans, painted like Indians, upon Mexicans, embracing the murder of several persons, the burning of houses, the destruction of ranches, &c.)