No. 314.
Mr. Bassett to Mr. Fish.
Port au Prince, June 8, 1875. (Received June 24.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 365 of the 19th ultimo, in which a statement was made as to the asylum given to General Boisrond Canal, and [Page 702] some of his supposed associates, in my residence, and in the British consulate, I have the honor to represent that, on the 24th ultimo, the minister of foreign affairs made, upon my colleague, the British minister, a demand, similar to that which he had made upon me, as to Boisrond Caual, nearly three weeks previously, for the delivery over to the authorities of General Calice Carrié, and that my colleague at once responded that General Carrié was in refuge at his office, but that inasmuch as if he were to accede to the demand made for Carrié’s delivery, he would break in upon a custom established, consecrated, and always approved of in this country, he could not assent to the demand, and would not deliver up the person in question.
I have been informed that this government has referred the case to Her Majesty’s government through its chargé d’affaires at London.
I am, &c.,