No. 354.
Mr. Biddle to Mr. Fish.
Legation of the
United States,
Salvador, June 9, 1873.
(Received July 17.)
No. 134.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a
copy of a statement of four intelligent emigrants hither, an American, a
Scotchman, and two Germans, upon the agricultural capability of the valley
of the
[Page 823]
volcano of Santa Tecla, in
the vicinity of the city of San Salvador, after the results of a year’s
It is believed that this yield in sugar and grasses will compare favorably
with the statistics from any part of the tropics, and the accompanying
statement is that of settlers who admit a rich reward for their labors.
It proves also the possibility of successful white farming in this climate,
and the substantial prosperity which may dawn upon Central America,
notwithstanding the “temblores,” when wars may cease and the arts of peace
I have, &c.,
Statement showing the actual yield of four manzanas of cane, as
ascertained from the weight taken under the inspection of the
undersigned at Monte Christo, said cane having been grown on the lands
known by the name of Merliot, and taken into account as the amount allotted to each of the undersigned for their
crop of the present year:
Four manzanas of cane yielded 8,487.32 quintals of 100 pounds each, or
2,121.83 quintals to each manzana, having 100 Spanish yards square, and
is equal to one and seven-eighths of one acre.
Sta. Secla, June,
Statement showing the annual prospective returns from eight manzanas of
land, that being the amount purchased by each of the undersigned of the
property known as San Benito:
4 manzanas of cane, say 8,487.32 quintals, at 20 cents per
quintal |
$1,697 46 |
1 extra manzana at above yield |
424 37 |
1 mauzana, grass value |
78 00 |
The remaining two manzanas planted with corn, vegetables, or
anything else of a marketable nature, it is estimated will yield
at the value of |
00 |
Total estimate yield of 8 manzanas for one year |
2,296 83 |
Less allowance for any drawback, even in case that the yield
of the cane should be reduced to fifteen hundred quintals the
manzana, which we estimate to be the lowest, we make the
deduction of |
00 |
Thus giving the total net yield from 8 manzanas of land per
annum |
1,646 83 |
We further state that four head of cattle can be properly fed from the
yield of one manzana of grass; that the climate is favorable, and
vegetables of all kinds can be raised with much success and find a ready
market. A family consisting of children grown up and able to perform
field labor can successfully manage the work, attending the cultivation
of eight manzanas of land; but without children the settler will require
the assistance of one hired hand during the harvest time; but in the
case of those settlers residing within the circle of one mile of the
factory, the settler can perform the work by himself.
- E. H. SMITH.