My Lord: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your lordship’s circular dispatch under date of the 11th of August, instructing me to report as to the law of the Hanse Towns with respect to the nationality of children born of alien parents within their respective territories, and beg leave to report as follows:
According to the law of Lubeck all legitimate children born of alien parents within its territory take the nationality of the father, while those which are illegitimate take that of the mother until another nationality is acquired for them.
The law in force in Bremen prescribes merely that children of alien parents who are not citizens of Bremen are not to be regarded as subjects of that state, and makes no conditions as to their being bom in wedlock or not.
[Page 1430]According to the law of Hamburg the nationality of the parents is transmitted to the children without any restrictions whatever as to the place of birth, except in the case of illegitimacy, when the children take the nationality of the mother.
I have, &c.,
Acting Consul-General.
The Lord Stanley, M. P., &c., &c., &c.