B.—Extracts from the analytical index to the treaties of the United States with other powers, showing what privileges are conferred upon aliens in the United States by treaties.

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vessels and citizens seeking asylum by reason of stress of weather to be treated with humanity, and shall be allowed to repair and depart—Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, (New Grenada,) Ecuador, France, (obsolete,) Guatemala, Hayti, Mexico, Morocco, (as to United States vessels,) Netherlands, (obsolete,) Nicaragua, Portugal, Prussia, San Salvador, Sardinia, Spain, Sweden, (see Sweden and Norway.)

to be exempt from the payment of duties on vessel or cargo unless entered for consumption—Hawaiian Islands, Morocco, (as to American vessels,) Sardinia.

to be subject to no duties or charges except pilotage, unless remaining longer than forty-eight hours in port—Columbia, (New Grenada.)

unloading and reloading not to be considered an act of commerce—Sardinia, Two Sicilies.

vessels seeking asylum to be treated as national vessels—Sardinia, Two Sicilies.

shelter shall not be given in ports of one power to enemies of the other power who have captured prizes from the other at sea—France, Great Britain.

consulates not to be used as asylum—Germany, Italy.

Aubaine, Droit de: [See “Personal property,” “Real estate.”] abolished by treaty with Bavaria, France, (obsolete,) Hesse, Nassau, Saxony, Würtemberg.

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Détraction, Droit de:

abolished by treaty with Bavaria, France, (obselete,) Hanover, Hanseatic Republics, Hesse, Nassau, Saxony, Spain, Würtemberg, Sweden.

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Personal Property:

citizens of each, in the country of the other, may own personal property, and may dispose of it by gift, will, or in any other way, and may take such property by gift, purchase, will, or sueeesssion, paying only such dues as the inhabitants of the country would pay in such case—Austria, Bavaria, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunswick, and Luneburg, Columbia, (New Grenada,) Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Guatemala, Hanover, Netherlands, (obsolete,) Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mexico, Oldenburg, Hanseatic Republics, Hawaiian Islands, Hayti, Hesse-Cassel, Honduras, Italy, Nassau, Nicaragua, Orange Free State, Paraguay, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, San Salvador, Sardinia, Saxony, Spain, Swiss Confederation, Two Sicilies, Würtemberg.

citizens of each in the country of the other may own and succeed as above, and on removal of the property it shall be exempted from all duty called “Droit de détraction”—France, (obsolete,) Sweden. [See “Sweden and Norway].”

in case of the absence of persons who would be entitled to personal property so situated on the death of the owner, the property shall receive the same care which would be bestowed upon the property of a native—Austria, Bavaria, Brunswick, and Luneburg, Dominican Republic, Hanover, Hawaiian Islands, Hayti, Hesse-Cassel, Honduras, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Nassau, Orange Free State, Prussia, Russia.

in case of the absence of persons who would be entitled to personal property so situated on the death of the owner, the property shall receive the same care which would be bestowed upon the property of a native—Continued. Sardinia, Saxony, Spain, Swiss Confederation, Two Sicilies, Würtemberg.

disputes as to the inheritance of such property shall be decided by the courts of the country where the property is situated—Austria, Brunswick and Luneburg, Dominican Republic, Hanover, Hawaiian Islands, Hayti, Hesse-Cassel, Honduras, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Nassau, Orange Free State, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, Saxony, Spain, Swiss Confederation, Two Sicilies, Würtemberg.

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Real estate:

citizens and subjects of each nation are to be on the footing of the most favored

nation in the territories of the other—Italy.

citizens of each country may dispose of real estate in the territories of the other by will, donation, or otherwise—France, (obsolete,) Bavaria, Colombia, (New Granada,) San Salvador, Two Sicilies.

their heirs, legatees, and donees, being citizensvor subjects of the other contracting party, may succeed to their real estate—Bavaria, Colombia, (New Granada,) France,

(obsolete,) San Salvador, Two Sicilies.

citizens of each country may dispose of real estate in the territories of the other, where the laws of the state in which it is situated permit it to be done—Nicaragua,

Swiss Confederation.

citizens of each country may possess real estate in the territories of the other, and dispose of it in the same manner as citizens can—France, San Salvador.

the United States are to recommend states where this is not permitted, to pass laws to allow it; and France reserves the right of establishing reciprocity.

where, on the death of the owner, real estate in the territories of the one power descends upon a citizen of the other, who is disqualified by alienage from taking, he shall be allowed two years to sell the land and withdraw the proceeds—Austria, Bavaria, Hesse, Nassau, Saxony, Würtemberg.

he shall be allowed three years—Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hanseatic Republics, Swiss Confederation.

he shall have the longest period allowed by law—Bolivia, Dominican Republic.

he shall be allowed the time allowed by the law of the state or country—Brunswick and Luneburg, Nicaragua, Orange Free State, Portugal, Russia, Swiss Confederation.

he shall be allowed a reasonable time—Hanover, Hawaiian Islands, Portugal, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, Spain, Mecklenburg-Schwerin.

the time allowed may be prolonged by the government in whose territories the land is situated—Austria, Hesse, Nassau, Saxony, Würtemberg.

the tax or dues charged on the succession or withdrawal is to be the same as that imposed upon natives—Austria, Bavaria, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunswick, and Luneburg, Colombia, (New Granada,) Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Nicaragua, Orange Free State, Portugal, Russia, San Salvador, Sardinia, Swiss Confederation, Two Sicilies.

such tax or dues to be the same as imposed upon the most favored nation—Hawaiian Islands.

there shall be no duties of detraction—Bavaria, France, Guatemala, Hanover, Hanseatic Republics, Hawaiian Islands, Saxony, Spain, Prussia.

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the property of absent heirs is to receive the same care as if it were the property of

citizens—Austria, Bavaria, Hesse, Nassau, Saxony, Two Sicilies, Würtemberg.

all disputes relating to such real estate must be settled before the courts of the

country—Bavaria, Hesse, Nassau, Orange Free State, Saxony, Swiss Confederation,

Two Sicilies, Würtemberg.

Reciprocal privileges of citizens of each nation within the territories of the other:

the citizens of each may reside in the territories of the other, remaining subject to the laws—Argentine Confederation, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, (New Granada,) Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Great Britain, (obsolete,) Greece, Guatemala, Hanover, Hawaiian Islands, Hayti, Honduras, Italy, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Oldenburg, Mexico, Nicaragua, Portugal, Prussia, Russia. San Salvador, Sardinia, Sweden and Norway, Swiss Confederation, Two Sicilies, Liberia.

the citizens of each may reside in the territories of the other—Borneo.

vessels and effects of citizens of each in the territories of the other are to be protected and defended—Sweden, (see Sweden and Norway,) Tunis.

citizens of each being within the territories of the other shall be exempt from forced military service—Argentine Confederation, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, France, (obsolete,) Hawaiian Islands, Hayti, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Orange Free State, Paraguay, Switzerland, Two Sicilies.

from billeting of soldiers—Two Sicilies.

from contribution in kind or money for compensation for personal military services —Italy, Two Sicilies, [they shall not be exempt from such contribution—Orange Free State, Swiss Confederation.]

from forced loans—Argentine Confederation, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Hawaiian Islands, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Two Sicilies.

from military exactions—Argentine Confederation, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Hayti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay.

from contributions—Bolivia, Nicaragua.

from contributions in time of war, in which case property is not to be taken without compensation paid in advance—Nicaragua; without compensation on the same footing as natives—Orange Free State.

from extraordinary contributions not general and established by law—Hawaiian Islands, Two Sicilies.

from contributions higher than those paid by natives—Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Hayti, Honduras, Mexico, Orange Free State, Paraguay.

from judicial or municipal office—Italy.

the citizens of each shall not be liable to the embargo or detention of their vessels, cargoes, merchandise, or effects—Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, (New Granada,) Ecuador, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, (obsolete,) San Salvador, Spain, Swe-” den, Tunis; without compensation—Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Italy, Mexico, San Salvador; to be paid in advance—Bolivia; when it can be agreed upon—Italy.

their vessels are to be subjected to such embargo only in cases of urgent necessity, and an equitable indemnity shall be paid—Prussia.

their books and papers are not to be subjected to inspection without the order of a competent legal tribunal—Bolivia, Hawaiian Islands, Hayti, Two Sicilies.

the citizens of each country are to have a right to travel in the possessions of the other—Bolivia, Hawaiian Islands, Italy, Nicaragua, Two Sicilies.

citizens of each residing in the territories of the other may intermarry with natives


may enjoy freedom of religious belief, respecting at the same time the laws and usages of the country—Brazil, Bolivia, China, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hawaiian Islands, Hayti, Netherlands, (obsolete,) Colombia, (New Granada,) Paraguay, Argentine Confederation.

and also of religious worship, on conditions as named in the respective treaties—(as to consuls and agents,) Algiers, (obsolete,) Argentine Confederation, Colombia, (New Granada,) Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, San Salvador, Sweden, (see Sweden and Norway.)

they are to have the liberty of burial—Argentine Confederation, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, (New Granada,) Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hayti, Honduras, Netherlands, (obsolete,) Nicaragua, Mexico, Poraguay, San Salvador, Sweden, (see Sweden and Norway.)

on the breaking out of a war between the two countries, the citizens of each in the country of the other may remain and continue to trade so long as they behave peaceably—Argentine Confederation, Paraguay, Great Britain, (obsolete.)

all may remain whose occupations are for the common benefit of mankind—Italy, Prussia.

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six months are granted to merchants and citizens to arrange their busines and with. draw their effects—France, (obsolete,) Dominican Republic, Hayti, Two Sicilies

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the dues are to be the same as those paid by natives—Denmark, German Empire