“Circular No. 10.
“Sir: Pursuant to instructions from Her Majesty’s secretary of state for foreign affairs, I have issued the inclosed notification regulating the conditions under which persons of Chinese descent, who are British subjects, may reside or travel in China under British protection.
“You will observe that it is left entirely optional to such persons to claim the status of British subjects within the Chinese territories or not, as they may see fit. But in the event of their electing to sink their British nationality, and reside or travel as Chinese among Chinese, they cannot claim any exemption from the jurisdiction and laws of the country they adopt of their own free will, and after due notice of the consequences.
“You will give all due publicity and effect within your jurisdiction to the inclosed, in conformity with the provisions of the Queen’s order in council of 1865.
“Your obedient servant,
“To Her Majesty’s Consul, &c., &c., &c., Shanghai.”