Smyrna, October 19, 1872. (Received November 12.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of dispatch No. 69 of the Department, dated September 14, in reply to mine of August 17, 1872, relative to the case of Hubert P. M. Reggio.
My refusal to register Mr. Reggio as a citizen of the United States, upon the presentation of a citizen’s passport, was based upon the knowledge that for six or seven years past he had been domiciled at Smyrna, carrying on the business of a merchant. It was also known to me that before leaving for the United States, in May last, Mr. Reggio produced at this consulate an Italian passport, for the purpose of having it viséd, and was informed by the clerk that this formality was unnecessary unless he specially desired it.
It seemed to me, therefore, that the naturalization certificate of Mr. Reggio must have been improperly obtained, and that it was my duty to refer the case to the Department for its investigation and instruction.
Upon receipt of the Hon. C. Hale’s dispatch, above referred to, informing me that the passport of Mr. Reggio was believed to have been duly issued upon proof of his naturalization, June 14, 1872, in the circuit court of the United States at Boston, I immediately addressed a letter to Mr. Reggio, copy of which, marked No, 1, is herewith inclosed inviting him to appear before me and make answer to the interrogatories therein contained. I herewith inclose copy of his written reply, marked No. 2.
This evidence confirms the verbal statement previously made to me by Mr. Reggio, namely, that at the time of his first arrival in the United States he was a minor that his declaration of intention was made during his minority; that he left the United States before he reached his majority, to return to Smyrna, with the evident intention of permanently locating there, and that he resided here till May last, when he went to the United States, and obtained his naturalization and the passport above referred to.
In view of the requirements of the acts of Congress regarding the naturalization of aliens, as well as the instructions contained in paragraphs 110 and 111 of the Consular Regulations, I respectfully submit to the Department whether Hubert P. M. Reggio is entitled to registration by me as a naturalized citizen of the United States.
I have, &c.,
United States Consul.