No. 453.
Mr. Boker to Mr Fish.
Constantinople, November 30, 1872. (Rec’d Jan. 2, 1873.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from the Department of State of a dispatch numbered 58.
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[Page 1106]To-day, as Captain Rhind informed me, by telegraph, he sailed for Beirut, where the presence of a national vessel is really needed, because of the threats made against the American colony of that place by the friends of certain rioters who, some months ago, were severely dealt with for their destruction of the property of the American Medical College, of Beirut, and their unprovoked attack on the workmen engaged upon the building. The odium incurred for the execution of the rigorous sentences against the rioters was justly attributed by their families to the firmness of this legation, and ever since the lawless populace of Beirut, as I have been informed by the consul-general, has been lying in wait to avenge itself upon the persons of the American citizens residing in that half-governed city. The presence of the Congress in the harbor will therefore have a salutary influence upon the Syrians, and I beg to suggest, that from time to time, our national vessels be instructed to look in at Beirut until the present excitement shall blow over.
I have, &c.,