No. 451.
Mr. Boker to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, October 1, 1872.
(Received October 24.)
No. 55.]
Sir: At the request of the Egyptian government
I have the honor to present to the consideration of the Department of
State a scheme of law intended to be introduced into Egypt if the
consent of the great powers to the project can be obtained. I also
inclose an explanatory circular letter from the Egyptian government.
[Page 1101]
It seems to be unjust that there should be any hesitation to permit the
Egyptians to take that first step towards self-government which will be
the result of an independent judiciary—an institution which forms the
basis of human freedom in all civilized countries, and which assures to
the citizens liberty and equality in precise proportion to the
perfection of their legal systems.
Though all the foreign ministers at Constantinople are in favor of
permitting the Egyptians to try their judicial experiment under the
inspection of the great powers, and with the reservation that it shall
not be persevered in if, at the end of five years, it be found to fail
on our own verdict, nevertheless the French government is at present the
chief obstacle in the way of the attempt. * * * My opinion, however, is
that, sooner or later, all the great powers will agree to permit the
Egyptian government to put its legal project into practice, to the great
future benefit of a thriving and friendly country, which has so long
been restrained in its just political aspirations by the irresistible
external pressure of foreign nations. Egypt is in a way to be coddled to
death, or to lose everything like national character by the
over-solicitous nursing of her two affectionate friends. The Suez Canal
has become another bond of closer union and of increased care, and the
great powers vie with one another, and amicably wrangle over their protegé, in order to induce her to adopt every
policy that may be imposed rather than one which she may evolve from her
own consciousness of her political and her domestic needs.
It should be a source of sincere satisfaction to us if the Government of
the United States may be the first to recognize the justice of the
Egyptian project, and to sanction so far as we may the trial of the
system on the terms laid down in the inclosed protocol. Our example
would have great influence in bringing about a successful issue to the
negotiations with the other great powers. As the matter now stands it is
promised that Italy will shortly agree to the proposition; England is
favorable, but awaits the action of the other powers; Russia will give
in her adhesion as soon as she is satisfied as to what the others will
do; Germany and Austria will follow the lead of Russia; France will
probably hang back until the last; and as to the opinions or the actions
of the smaller powers, they are of no importance, as the system will go
into operation as soon as the consent of the great powers can be
At the meeting of the diplomatic representatives of all the powers, at
which the Egyptian minister of foreign affairs produced the protocol,
human ingenuity was exhausted in objections, observations, and proposed
amendments to the document. All of these, Nubar Pacha explained,
embodied and accepted as the protocol will show. When nothing further
could be imagined and Nubar Pacha had agreed to everything, he was told
that the meeting must receive the protocol, as thus altered to suit
itself, with reserve, and that he must await the instructions of the
various governments represented. The Egyptian government has been at
work upon this purpose for five years, seeking advice and negotiating
with every court in Europe. Having perfected the plan according to
European ideas, it seems hard that it should fall to the ground because
of the indifference, the inaction, or the jealousy of the powers whose
advice has been had at every step of the proceeding, but whose
accredited representatives seem never ready to speak in the name of
their several governments. I therefore recommend that the Government of
the United States should be the first to do simple justice toward our
ancient ally.
I have, &c.,
[Page 1102]
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]
The commission assembled in Cairo, in 1869, has been of the opinion
that the reform of civil justice and the reform of penal justice
should be introduced at the same time, and that penal jurisdiction
should go into effect after one year of experience by the tribunals
in civil and commercial matters.
The government, without concealing from itself the great conflicts
which would inevitably arise between two kinds of jurisdictions of
different characters, agrees in opinion with the British
commissioners, from whom the proposition emanated, that a fixed and
short interval should be settled upon, at the expiration of which
the new tribunals should enter on their duties in civil matters.
However, it insists that the criminal jurisdiction be immediately
exercised for the repression of all crimes and offenses which
necessarily belong to the functions of the new tribunals, because
the impunity or the punishment of such crimes by a foreign authority
would evidently endanger the fair administration of justice by these
So it is not admissible that other tribunals be called on to pursue
and repress the offenses committed on the occasion of the execution
of judgments, or against the officers of such tribunals acting in
the exercise of their functions.
How could the tribunals assure the execution of their judgments if
they were disarmed toward those who might oppose violence to these
executions, or embezzle the property attached in virtue of these
How shall justice be respected, how shall its action be usefully
secured, if, on the occasion of these offenses, another authority be
called on to judge of the validity of the acts of execution and the
scope of the judgments themselves?
It can be said with as much, with perhaps more reason, of offenses
committed in court toward the magistrates, or beyond the court
toward officers performing their duties.
What respect would the judges inspire if it were necessary that
another jurisdiction should examine and determine the gravity of the
offense which they received; and without wishing to criticise the
consular justice, it is certain that there cannot be imagined a more
painful situation than that of a tribunal insulted in its very
court, that finds itself powerless to repress the outrage.
It is evident also that there must immediately be conceded to the new
jurisdiction the cognizance of the crimes and offenses imputed to
the magistrates themselves, and to the officers of justice, where it
is charged that these crimes and offenses have been committed by
them in their characters of magistrates or officers of justice.
What idea would parties to a suit have of the dignity of the
tribunal, and what idea would the tribunal have of itself, if the
acts of each of its members could be denounced on the complaint of
any one to a repressive and foreign jurisdiction with power, even on
appeal, to transfer the trial to a foreign country?
In short, it is of absolute necessity for the perfect operation of
the new tribunals, and for the security of the rights which are
committed to them, that a foreign authority shall never be called
upon to interpose in their acts, and that they shall find within
themselves the means to secure their liberty, their dignity, and the
execution of their decisions.
The government thinks then that it should insist, even while
postponing for a year the jurisdiction of the tribunals in criminal
offenses, that it shall be agreed that the new tribunals shall be
competent to decide not only, as is intended, in mere civil cases,
but also on crimes and offenses committed on the occasion of the
execution of judgments and orders of court, or against the officers
of the tribunals enforcing these executions.
They should also have jurisdiction over all crimes and offenses which
may be committed at the trial of a case, or against the magistrates
and the officers or the agents of the tribunal exercising their
functions on the occasion, as well as over those crimes and offenses
which may be imputed to the magistrates and officers in their
official capacity.
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]
Project of judiciary organization for the mixed
processes in Egypt.—Observations made by their excellencies the
embassadors and chief of legations, at the meeting of the
7th August, 1872, and
accepted by Nubar Pacha. Text of the project elaborated by the
international commission, amended and approved by the Sublime
- I. There shall be instituted three tribunals of first
instance, at Alexandria, at Cairo, at Zagozig or at
- II. These tribunals shall hear all disputes in civil and
commercial matters between natives and foreigners, and between
foreigners of different nationalities.
- III. The government, the administration, the dairas of His
Highness the Khedive, and of the members of his family, shall be
judicable by these tribunals, in processes with foreign
- IV. These tribunals, without being able to decide on the
property of the public domain, nor interpret or hinder the
execution of an administrative measure, may judge in the cases
provided by the civil code, touching the rights of foreigners
which may be infringed upon by any administrative act.
- V. There shall not be submitted to these tribunals the demands
of foreigners against religious establishments, regarding claims
on the real estate possessed by these establishments.
- VI. The sole fact that real estate has been given as security
for debt to a foreigner shall empower these tribunals to decide
on all consequences of the hypothecation, extending so far and
including the forced sale of the property and the distribution
of the proceeds.
- Observations.—The magistrate who de facto will direct the pleadings shall
be designated by the absolute majority of the European and
native members of the tribunal.
- VII. Text.—Each of these tribunals
shall be composed of five judges, three Europeans and two
natives; one of the European judges shall preside, with the
title of vice-president. In commercial affairs, the tribunals
shall add two mercantile assessors, one native and one foreign,
to be chosen by election.
- VIII. There shall be at Alexandria a court of appeals, and a
court of revision, the latter having power to revise the
decisions of the former, touching a reversal of a judgment made
by a court of first instance. Pending this revision, judgment
shall be suspended.
- IX. Each of these courts shall be composed of seven judges,
four Europeans and three natives; and one of the European judges
shall preside with the title of vice-president.
- Observations.—The court of appeals
shall be composed of eleven magistrates, four natives and seven
foreigners; but decisions of the court of appeals may be made by
eight magistrates, including the president, five foreigners and
three natives.
- Additional articles.—The right of
peremptory challenge of the magistrates, of the interpreters,
and the written translations shall be reserved for all the
- The tribunals shall delegate one of the magistrates who,
acting as a judge of peace, shall endeavor to conciliate
parties, and to decide on affairs of such importance as maybe
fixed by the court of procedure.
- Text.—X. The trials shall be public and
the pleadings free. Persons having the diplomas of lawyers will
be admitted to represent and defend the parties before the
courts and tribunals.
- XI. The nomination and the choice of the judges will belong to
the Egyptian government, but in order to insure itself of the
guarantees which may be presented by the persons whom it may
select, it will address itself to the ministers of justice in
Europe, and will engage only those who have received the consent
and authority of their respective governments.
- XII. The promotion of the magistrates, and their transfer from
one tribunal to another, shall take place on the proposal of the
body of magistrates.
- XIII. The magistrates who shall compose these courts and
tribunals shall not be removable.
- Observations.—This non-removability
shall last but during five years. The magistrates shall not be
definitively admitted until the term of probation be
- XIV. Text.—The code of procedure will
declare whether offending magistrates shall be submitted to a
jury or to the tribunals for the investigation of facts
implicating their delicacy and probity.
- XV. The magistrates shall receive no honorary distinctions
from the Egyptian government.
- XVI. There shall be in every tribunal a clerk and several
sworn assistant clerks, who may act in the clerk’s
- XVII. There shall be also in each court and each tribunal
sworn interpreters in sufficient number, and the necessary body
of officers, who shall have charge of the conduct of the trials,
of the signification of the writings, and of the execution of
the judgments.
- XVIII. The clerks, officers, and interpreters shall be at
first nominated by the government, but their commissions may be
revoked by the tribunals to which they are attached.
- XIX. The functions of magistrates, clerks of courts, assistant
clerks, interpreters, and officers shall be incompatible with
any other salaried office and with the business of
- XX. A parquet (bar) shall be instituted, at the head of which
shall be an attorney-general. The attorney-general shall have
under his direction, at the courts and tribunals, substitutes in
sufficient number for the conduct of trials, and the judiciary
police. The procureur-general shall sit at all the criminal
courts, and at all general
[Page 1104]
assemblies of the courts and tribunals.
The procureur-general and his substitutes shall be removable,
and they shall be nominated by the Khedive.
- XXI. The execution of judgment shall take place without any
consular or other administrative action, and on the order of the
tribunals. They shall be executed by the officers of the
tribunals, with the assistance of the local authority, if this
assistance shall become necessary, but always without any
administrative interference. But the officers of justice who are
charged with the execution by the tribunals shall be obliged to
inform the consulates of the day and hour of the execution, and
that under pain of the annulling of the execution and damages
against the officers. The consul so informed may be present at
the execution, but in case of his absence the execution shall
- XXII. The aforesaid courts and tribunals shall have also
correctional and criminal jurisdiction over offenses committed
by foreigners, over crimes and offenses committed by foreigners
against the state, against natives, and against foreigners of
different nationalities.
- XXIII. This jurisdiction shall be exercised in conformity with
the provisions of the code of criminal examinations and the
penal code which will be published.
Additional articles.
Tribunals in civil matters shall not begin their cognizance of mixed
cases until one month after their establishment.
The cases already commenced before the foreign consulates at the
establishment of the tribunals shall be continued before the
consulates until their final settlement.
In penal matters, the new tribunals shall take cognizance of simple
police offenses, as well as of crimes and offenses committed against
magistrates and officers of justice in the performance of their
duties, and of those which may be imputed to them in their quality
of magistrates or officers of justice.
Eighteen months after their establishment, and for the remainder of
the current time of the provisory period, the tribunals shall have
penal jurisdiction over all crimes and offenses committed by
foreigners against natives, by natives against foreigners, or by one
foreigner against another foreigner of different nationality, as
well as over all crimes or offenses committed against the public
security and good morals.
The hearings in penal matters shall take place without any sort of
administrative, consular, or governmental interference.
If the hearing should end in a prosecution, the papers of the hearing
shall be communicated to the consul of the accused, on his
In mixed cases, when the case shall be a civil suit, the jury shall
be composed of equal numbers of Europeans and natives, and selected
by ballot from a list which shall be prepared beforehand.
The penalties shall be inflicted in Alexandria or Cairo. Until it
shall be proved that sufficient places of detention have been
established in Egypt, the accused shall be confined in the consular
In case of condemnation to capital punishment, the embassies shall
have the privilege of claiming their citizens, so as to transfer him
to his country for the infliction of the penalty. To accomplish
which, a sufficient delay shall intervene between the day of the
judgment and the execution of the sentence, in order to give the
embassies and the legations time to make their claims.
During the period of eighteen months, fixed heretofore, the
government shall make public any observations which it may desire to
make on the code of criminal jurisdiction.
During the period of five years, no change shall take place in the
established system. After this period, if experience have not
confirmed the practical usefulness of the reform of the judiciary,
it shall be allowable to the foreign powers either to go back again
to the former order of things, or to come to an understanding with
the Egyptian government for other arrangements.