No. 94.
Mr. Wing to
Mr. Fish.
United States
Ecuador, May 14, 1873.
(Received June 9.)
No. 309.]
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 175,1 have the
honor to submit the information contained in the clipping (1) from a late
Panama Star
[Page 239]
and Herald, as
confirmatory to some extent of the opinions therein contained.
The Indian question seems to be a difficult one, even in our own powerful and
populous country.
I believe that it is eventually destined to become one of much graver import
to the comparatively weak republics of South America.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Alliance between the Araucanian and Pampas
(From “Panama Star and Herald,” of April 26, 1873.)
The Argentine consul in Chili has notified his government that he had
received telegrams announcing that a commission of the Indians of the
Pampas had gone to solicit an alliance with the Araucanian Indians, in
view of carrying into effect a vast plan of invasion on the frontiers of
the Argentine Republic. The governor of Mendoza confirms the rumor, and
states that the alliance had been entered into and signed by the
principal caciques of large tribes at the town of Mercedes, in the
province of San Luis. The telegram, dated from the Villa de Mercedes on
the 12th ultimo, says that the governor of Mendoza had been advised that
caciques from the Pampas had gone to Chili to give invitations for a
great invasion. As to the other tribes concerned in this project, the
Argentine minister in Chili had transmitted information to say that the
Indian Hemeque, the cacique of a horde of savages of the Argentine
Pampas, was ready with Quilapan and Quilameque, and that several
palavers had taken place between them. The object of the visit of the
transandine Indians was to obtain from the two above-mentioned caciques
all the lances they could spare to go to the other side (Argentine
Republic) and aid them in making an attack on the national army, which
had routed the Indian forces of the cacique Calfucura, the brother of
Hemeque. Quilapan and Quilameque, and other transandine tribes, had
entered into the plan with enthusiasm, but on two indispensable
conditions: first, a month in which to make preparations and get in
their crops; the second, that, on defeating the Argentine army, Hemeque
and his brother Calfucura should bind themselves to come over and assist
the Araucos, the Malleco, the frontier line of Chili. The force which
the Chilian caciques can raise is calculated at more than 3,000 lances.
Other notices were received in Junin from the commandante of the north
and west of Buenos Ayres and south of Santa Fé, at the date of the 11th
ultimo, that the large Indian tribe of Salinas Grandes were also in
movement, with all the appearances of preparing for some strong