No. 286.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 717.]

Sir: Under date of the 3d instant, I directed a note to the minister of foreign affairs, inclosing copies of several communications transmitted by the Secretary of War of the United States to the Department of State, concerning recent depredations committed by persons residing in Mexico upon the property of citizens of the State of Texas. I pointed out the serious consequences that would inevitably follow if the Mexican authorities did not at once check these outrages, and invoked prompt and energetic action in the premises.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Nelson to Mr. Lafragua.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith copies of several communications transmitted by the Secretary of War of the United States to the Department of State, concerning recent depredations committed by persons residing in Mexico upon the property of citizens of the State of Texas. The state of feeling on the Texas border, caused by these depredations, is conclusively shown, as well as the absolute necessity on the part of the Mexican authorities to endeavor to check such outrages. If this should not soon be done, exasperation of the immediate sufferers will inevitably extend to the rest of their countrymen and may lead to serious complications.

I beg to commend this subject to the special consideration of your excellency, and to invoke prompt and energetic action in the premises.

Your excellency will please be good enough to return to this legation the inclosed copies, when they have been sufficiently examined.

I remain, with sentiments of the highest consideration and respect,

Your excellency’s obedient servant,


His Excellency José Maria Lafragua,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mexico.