No. 231.
Mr. Peirce to Mr. Fish.

No. 195.]

Sir: The census of the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Kingdom having been taken on the night of 27th December, 1872, and the tables thereof just completed, I inclose herewith a copy taken from the books of the board of education in anticipation of publication, soon to be made. The tables have value in view of the political relations yearly becoming closer between the United States and these islands.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure 1.]

Census of the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands, taken December 27, 1873.

(From official tables.)

Males 31,650
Females 25,247
Total 56,897
Males. Females. Total.
Under 6 years of age 3,574 3,295 6,869
Between 6 and 15 years 4,803 4,128 8,931
Between 15 and 40 years 13,282 10,279 23,561
Over 40 years 9,691 7,545 17,536
Married 13,077 12,682 25,759
Natives 26,130 22,914 49,044
Half-caste 1,225 1,262 2,487
Chinese 1,831 107 1,938
Hawaiian-born, both parents being foreigners 418 431 849
Americans 649 240 889
British 441 178 619
German 177 47 224
French 69 19 88
Portuguese 367 28 395
Other foreigners 343 21 364
Clergymen 120
Teachers 324
Licensed physicians 47
Lawyers 91
Merchants 728
Mechanics 2,115
Agriculturists 9,670
Plantation laborers 4,772
Freeholders 6,580


Natives 49,044
Half-castes 2,487


[Page 513]
Americans 889
British 619
Germans 224
French 88
Portuguese, (Western Islanders) 395
Chinese, (laborers) 1,938
Other nations 364
Children of foreign parents born in Hawaii 849
Total foreigners 5,366
Natives 51,531
Total population 1872 56,897
Total population 1866 62,959
Decrease since 1866 6,062
Adding increase foreign population 3,515
Decrease natives in six years 9,577
Foreign population in 1866 1,851
Foreign population in 1872 5,366
Increase 3,515