Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 1, 1873
No. 231.
Mr. Peirce
to Mr. Fish.
Legation of the
United States of America,
Honolulu, March 8, 1873. (Received April 7.)
No. 195.]
Honolulu, March 8, 1873. (Received April 7.)
Sir: The census of the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Kingdom having been taken on the night of 27th December, 1872, and the tables thereof just completed, I inclose herewith a copy taken from the books of the board of education in anticipation of publication, soon to be made. The tables have value in view of the political relations yearly becoming closer between the United States and these islands.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure 1.]
Census of the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands, taken December 27, 1873.
(From official tables.)
Males | 31,650 |
Females | 25,247 |
Total | 56,897 |
Males. | Females. | Total. | |
Under 6 years of age | 3,574 | 3,295 | 6,869 |
Between 6 and 15 years | 4,803 | 4,128 | 8,931 |
Between 15 and 40 years | 13,282 | 10,279 | 23,561 |
Over 40 years | 9,691 | 7,545 | 17,536 |
Married | 13,077 | 12,682 | 25,759 |
Natives | 26,130 | 22,914 | 49,044 |
Half-caste | 1,225 | 1,262 | 2,487 |
Chinese | 1,831 | 107 | 1,938 |
Hawaiian-born, both parents being foreigners | 418 | 431 | 849 |
Americans | 649 | 240 | 889 |
British | 441 | 178 | 619 |
German | 177 | 47 | 224 |
French | 69 | 19 | 88 |
Portuguese | 367 | 28 | 395 |
Other foreigners | 343 | 21 | 364 |
Clergymen | 120 |
Teachers | 324 |
Licensed physicians | 47 |
Lawyers | 91 |
Merchants | 728 |
Mechanics | 2,115 |
Agriculturists | 9,670 |
Plantation laborers | 4,772 |
Freeholders | 6,580 |
Natives | 49,044 |
Half-castes | 2,487 |
51,531 |
Americans | 889 |
British | 619 |
Germans | 224 |
French | 88 |
Portuguese, (Western Islanders) | 395 |
Chinese, (laborers) | 1,938 |
Other nations | 364 |
Children of foreign parents born in Hawaii | 849 |
Total foreigners | 5,366 |
Natives | 51,531 |
Total population 1872 | 56,897 |
Total population 1866 | 62,959 |
Decrease since 1866 | 6,062 |
Adding increase foreign population | 3,515 |
Decrease natives in six years | 9,577 |
Foreign population in 1866 | 1,851 |
Foreign population in 1872 | 5,366 |
Increase | 3,515 |