No. 226.
Mr. Peirce
to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
United States of America,
Honolulu, December 18, 1872.
(Rec’d January 10, 1873.)
No. 177.]
Sir: As the contest to elect a successor to the
crown promises to be of an exciting character, I now give you the names and
characteristics of those persons thought to possess the most right to be
selected as candidates for election to the throne:
First, Prince William C. Lunalilo, who claims to be a grandson of Kamehameha
I. He is about forty years of age, well educated, of literary tastes, and
considerable mental ability, both natural and acquired.
* * * * * * *
The prince possesses considerable property under the care of guardians. He is
said to be very liberal, even democratic, in political sentiments.
Inclosed herewith is a printed copy of an address or proclamation to the
people, issued by the prince on yesterday, and wherein he calls for a vote
by the people, or a plebiscitum, on the 1st of January ensuing, and thereby
to manifest their sense of his claim to the vacant throne. He promises, if
elected, to restore the constitution of 1852, illegally set aside by the
late King for one of his own, that of 1864.
Second, Ruth Kaliiokalani; she is half-sister to His late Majesty and
inherits his property.
* * * * * * *
Third, Col. David Kalakaua, a chief who is descendant of one of the former
Kings of Hawaii; well educated, speaks English well, of polisheded manners
and bearing, commandant of the royal guards.
* * * * * * *
Fourth, Bernice Paki; by descent of high rank, both on father and mother’s
side, finely educated, and a perfect lady. She is the wife of Hon.
Charles R. Bishop, a native of Sandy Hill, N. Y.,
and a noble of this kingdom, and banker in Honolulu by profession. A few
hours previous to the death of the King, when urged to name his successor,
she was sent for by him and to her he offered the crown, but she refused to
accept it. It is therefore doubtful whether she will permit the use of her
name as a candidate before the legislature. Mr. Phillips, a member of the
cabinet, intends to urge her claim upon the legislature, she being the first
choice of the late King. Mr. Phillips thinks the fact should be officially
made known.
As all parties express a desire to preserve the peace during the canvass for
election of a new King, I feel confident no disturbance will occur unless
the legislative assembly should elect some one as sovereign other than
Prince William.
In such case it is thought by his friends that he will not acquiesce in the
choice, but place himself upon the throne by force if necessary.
I also inclose some extracts from the Commercial Advertiser, of the 17th
instant, and the Hawaiian Gazette, of this morning, bearing on the
With respect, &c.,
[Page 487]
[Inclosure 1.]
to the hawaiian nation.
William C. Lunalilo, son of Kekauluohi, the daughter of
Kamehameha I, to the Hawaiian people, greeting:
Whereas the throne of the kingdom has become vacant by the demise of His
Majesty Kamehameha V on the 11th of December, 1872, without a successor
appointed or proclaimed;
And whereas it is desirable that the wishes of the Hawaiian people be
consulted as to a successor to the throne: Therefore,
Notwithstanding that, according to the law of inheritance, I am the
rightful heir to the throne, in order to preserve peace, harmony, and
good order, I desire to submit the decision of my claim to the voice of
the people, to be freely and fairly expressed by a plebiscitum. The only
pledge that I deem it necessary to offer is that I will restore the
constitution of Kamehameha III, of happy memory, with only such changes
as may be required to adapt it to present laws; and that I will govern
the nation according to the principles of that constitution and a
liberal constitutional monarchy, which, while it preserves the proper
prerogatives of the Crown, shall fully maintain the rights and liberties
of the people.
To the end proposed, I recommend the judges of the different
election-districts throughout the islands (hereby appealing to their
ancient allegiance to the family of the Kamehamehas) to give notice that
a poll will be opened on Wednesday, the 1st day of January, A. D. 1873,
at which all male subjects of the kingdom may, by their vote, peaceably
and orderly express their free choice for a King of the Hawaiian Islands
as successor of Kamehameha V; and that the said officers of the several
election-districts do, on a count of the vote, make immediate certified
return of the same to the legislative assembly, summoned to meet at
Honolulu on the 8th day of January, 1873; that if any officer or
officers of any election-district shall refuse to act in accordance
herewith, or if there shall be a vacancy in said offices in any
district, the people may choose others in their places, who may proceed,
in conformity to law, in conducting the election.
Given under my hand, at Honolulu, this 16th day of December, 1872.
God protect Hawaii Nei!
[Inclosure 2.]
Extracts from Hawaiian Gazette of December 18,
Immediately upon receiving the intelligence of the demise of his late
most lamented Majesty Kamehameha V a cabinet council was assembled at
Iolani Palace on Wednesday, December 11, 1872, at 11 o’clock a.m., at
which all the in embers were present, and after considering the
provisions of the constitution of the kingdom, in such case made and
provided, it was—
Ordered, That a meeting of the legislative
assembly he caused to he holden, at the court-house in Honolulu, on
Wednesday, which will lie the 8th day of January, A. D. 1873, at 12
o’clock noon; and of this order all members of the legislative assembly
will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly.
Minister of the Interior. - STEPHEN H. PHILLIPS,
Attorney-General. - ROBERT STERLING,
Minister of Finance.
The attention of all officers of the government is respectfully
invited to the impropriety of any official interference in
determining the question of succession to the throne.
It is a question upon which every subject undoubtedly feels the
deepest interest, and all have a right to express their views in an
orderly manner, individually and collectively, and to suggest their
wishes to the members of the legislative assembly, to whom, by the
constitution, the right of choosing a successor belongs. But no
officer of the government has any official right or duty in the
matter, least of all in an official capacity, to hold or preside at
any election for which the sanction of official authority is
Minister of Interior. - S. H. PHILLIPS,
Attorney-General. - R. STIRLING,
Minister of Finance.