XIV.—Tables presented by the agent of Her Britannic Majesty on the 19th of August, 1872, in compliance with the request of the tribunal.
Preliminary statement.
In presenting the subjoined tables to the Tribunal, as required by the Arbitrators, the Agent of Her British Majesty has the honor to present the following points as deserving their attention:
I. Great Britain should not be considered bound to make compensation to the United States for the sum total of the losses occasioned by any of the cruisers in regard to which the Tribunal may be of the opinion that there was remissness in the performance of duty on the part of Great Britain.
II. The following principles should be observed in estimating the amount of compensation:
A. All double claims for simple losses should be rejected; such, for example, as claims presented simultaneously by owners and insurance companies, simultaneous claims for loss of freight and loss of charter-party, and other similar claims mentioned on pages 10 and 11 of volume VII of the British Appendix, and which amount to a very considerable sum.
B. Claims for prospective gross losses of whalers should be rejected, for the reasons stated on pages 12, 13, 26, and 27 of volume VII of the Appendix. It is, indeed, not even attempted to sustain these claims in the Argument of the United States; they should, therefore, be considered as virtually abandoned.
C. It is impossible, for the reasons stated on page 13 of the same volume, to admit the claims for gross acquired profits without any of the necessary deductions.
D. Claims for gross freights of merchant-vessels should be rejected, for the reasons stated in extenso on pages 14, 15, 16, and 17 of the same volume. It will be seen that it is not even attempted to sustain them in the Argument of the United States, and they should therefore be considered as virtually abandoned.
E. Profits which it was expected to gain on merchandise in the ports to which the vessels were bound are not, for the reasons stated on page 17 of the same volume, a proper subject of compensation.
F. The reasons stated on the pages aforesaid of the same volume of the British Appendix, as well the firmly-established principles of jurisprudence, which are recognized by the courts of the United States, England, and other countries, require, as a suitable means of compensating claimants for the loss of vessels, outfits, profits, and freights, that they should be allowed the full original value of these vessels and of these outfits at the beginning of each voyage, and that they should, moreover, be allowed so much per cent. of this value, together with a sum for wages, to be calculated from the beginning of each voyage up to the day of the capture, as has been stated on pages 13 to 17 and 26 to 29 of volume VII of the Appendix.
G. The proper method of indemnifying the claimants for the loss of [Page 611] their merchandise, and of the profits which they expected to realize, would be to allow them the value of such merchandise at the port of shipment, together with the interest on this same value, calculating from the commencement of the voyage up to the time of the capture.
III. It is impossible, for the reasons stated on page 17 of the aforementioned volume, to trust to the value placed by the claimants themselves upon their property; and, after having applied the above principles, it will be proper to make a suitable deduction from these claims, in order to reduce them to the sum to which they would be reduced if they were referred to assessors, or to the sum to which the Government of the United States would reduce them, in case, a gross sum having been allowed, this Government were to distribute it to the claimants.
IV. The necessity of this new reduction will appear from the following considerations:
A. The United States now admit that these claims have never been carefully sifted. It is hardly necessary to call attention to the capital importance of this admission.
B. It has been clearly shown that the claims are exaggerated, and that the statement of the claims contains very considerable miscalculations.
C. The information furnished by the revised statement of the claims is not sufficient to permit the value of the property for which compensation is claimed to be estimated with sufficient certainty.
D. There is an entire absence of the ordinary documents which might prove the value of the merchandise and freights, such as bills of lading, manifests, policies of insurance, &c.; and, although it is asserted that these documents have been recorded at Washington, the Government of the United States has never compared them with the claims.
V. The amounts of the claims being almost always stated in paper money or paper dollars, and the ninth article of the Treaty requiring that the compensation should be allowed in gold, it is essential to establish the relative value of the paper dollar and of the gold dollar at the time when the claims were first prepared. It is evident, judging from the relative values stated in one or two of the claims, that this is a question of very considerable importance.
Table No. I gives a list of double claims prepared openly and expressly, and which are obvious to any one reading the statement even cursorily.
Table No. II gives a list of all the claims for gross prospective profits and gross freights in the case of the Alabama.
Table No. III contains an analysis of the claims connected with whaling-vessels captured by the Alabama; a note has been appended explaining the table.
Table No. IV contains an analysis of the claims connected with merchant-vessels captured by the Alabama.
Table No. V contains a recapitulation of the provisional claims and allowances connected with the Alabama; a brief explanation of these allowances has been added.
Table No. VI contains an analysis of the claims connected with the vessels captured by the Florida.
Table No. VII contains a recapitulation of the provisional claims and allowances connected with the Florida; a short explanation of these allowances has been added.
The following are the cases in which double claims or other unjust claims have been openly and designedly made in the statement. In almost all cases double claims are advanced tacitly or by implication. Some of these claims will be searched for and enumerated elsewhere.
[Page 612]Table No. I.—List of double claims.
Pages of revised statement. | Name of vessel. | Amount. | Remarks. |
Levi Starbuck | $23,350 | It is admitted that this sum should have been deducted for insurance received; it has, however, not been deducted. | |
1,000 | Sum which Osgood & Co. admit that they received, but which they have not placed on the credit side of their account. | ||
82 | 2,150 | Sum equivalent to $1,565 in gold, which Mr. Rollins admits that he received, but which he does not place on the credit side of the account. | |
68 | 49,420 | That is to say, twice $24,710, which sum it is admitted ought to be deducted, but which has been added. | |
80 | Sea Lark | 54,500 | Claim actually advanced twice by the same owners. |
74 | Rockingham | 50,000 | Double claim explained on page—of our first report. |
76 | Sea Bride | 37,000 | Rufus, Greene & Co. refuse to place the sums received for insurance on the credit side of the account. |
91 | Talisman | 16,000 | The owners acknowledge that they received this sum, but it is not placed on the credit side of their account. |
111 | Union Jack | 8,000 | The owners claim the full value, without making allowance for the sums received for insurance, and the insurance companies claim it at the same time. |
115 | Virginia | 13,550 | The owners claim the full value, without making allowance for the sums received for insurance, and the insurance companies claim it at the same time. |
253 | Martha | 34,200 | |
227 | Brunswick | 24,200 | The owners and insurance companies openly claim the sums at the same time. |
237 | Edward | 19,875 | Do. |
238 | Euphrates | 9,750 | Do. |
240 | Favorite | 50,000 | Do. |
243 | Gripsey | 24,000 | The necessity of deducting this sum is admitted, but it is not deducted. |
244 | Hector | 31,875 | Double claim, as above. |
Howland | 69,500 | Do. | |
248 | Isabella | 22,650 | Do. |
255 | Nassau | 72,500 | Do. |
258 | Nimrod | 28,000 | Do. |
260 | S. Thornton | 27,050 | Do. |
263 | Waverley | 31,250 | Do. |
264 | W. Thompson | 54,500 | Do. |
241 | G. Williams | 89,346 | The sum of $44,673 has been added here, instead of being deducted. |
175 | Golconda | 25,734 | Double claim, as above. |
Total | 869,400 |
Table No. II —Claims for gross freights and expected profits in the case of the Alabama.
Pages of revised statement. | Name of vessel. | Claim for— | Amount. | Remarks. | ||
5 | Alert | { | Loss by interruption of voyage. | $30,000 | ||
Loss of probable catch | 144,868 | A new claim presented in the revised statement. | ||||
6 | Altamaha | do | 19,940 | |||
7 | Amanda | Loss of freight | 33,000 | The value of the freight is not distinguished from that of the vessel. | ||
8 | Amazonian | Loss on charter-party | 11,000 | |||
13 | Anna Schmidt | { | Loss of freight | 6,300 | $10,000 are also claimed as advances for the owners of the vessel. | |
Insurance on charter-party | 20,000 | |||||
25 | Benjamin Tucker | Loss of expected profits | 100,800 | See the original list, p. 434. | ||
26 | Brilliant | Loss of freight | { | 16,531 | Do. | |
18,000 | ||||||
27 | Charles Hill | do | 11,733 | |||
29 | Contest | 61,500 | See the first statement. A new claim presented in the revised statement. |
Table No. II.—Claims for gross receipts and expected profits, &c.—Continued.
Page of revised statement. | Name of vessel. | Claim for— | Amount. | Remarks. | |
30 | Courser | Loss by interruption of voyage. | $19,845 | A new claim presented in the revised statement. | |
31 | Crenshaw | Loss of freight | 6,721 | ||
32 | Dorcas Prince | do | 15,000 | ||
34 | Dunkirk | do | 3,936 | ||
35 | E. Dunbar | Loss by interruption of voyage. | 88,200 | Claim increased in the revised statements. | |
37 | Emma Lanc | { | Loss of charter-party | 26,438 | |
Loss of the commission on charter-party. | 1,324 | ||||
38 | Express | Loss of freight, (at least) | 31,129 | The value of the freight is not distinguished from that of the vessel. | |
40 | Golden Eagle | do | 30,000 | Do. | |
41 | Golden Rule | Loss of freight | 8,207 | Do. | |
46 | Highlander | do | 68,402 | ||
47 | Jabez Snow | Loss of charter-party, (half agreed upon.) | 9,408 | Vessel in ballast. See first report, p. 9. | |
49 | John A. Parks | Loss of charter-party | 42,306 | ||
51 | Kate Cory | Loss of probable catch | 19,294 | ||
53 | Kingfisher | do | 12,600 | ||
54 | Lafayette | Loss of freight | 18,978 | ||
55 | Lafayette 2d | Loss of probable catch | 49,896 | ||
57 | Lamplighter | Loss of freight | 8,780 | ||
58 | Lauretta | do | 3,000 | ||
59 | Levi Starbuck | Loss of freight and prospective catch. | 189,312 | ||
61 | Louisa Hatch | Loss of freight | 15,000 | ||
62 | Manchester | do | 15,000 | ||
65 | Nora | do | 15,000 | There is distinction made between the value of the freight and that of the vessel. | |
65 | Nye | Loss of freight and prospective catch | 30,342 | ||
68 | Ocean Rover | do | 37,800 | ||
70 | Ocmulgee | do | 165,510 | ||
71 | Olive Jane | Loss of freight | 15,000 | ||
73 | Parker Cook | do | 1,625 | ||
74 | Rockingham | do | 78,128 | See the first report, pp. 23 and 24. | |
76 | Sea Bride | do | 21,000 | There is distinction made between the value of the freight and that of the vessel. | |
78 | Sea Lark | do | 23,500 | ||
69 | Sonora | Loss of charter-party | 33,244 | ||
90 | Starlight | Charter-party | 1,720 | ||
91 | Talisman | Loss of freight | 38,579 | ||
95 | T. B. Wales | do | 15,165 | ||
99 | Tycoon | do | 33,739 | ||
110 | Union Jack | do | 6,000 | ||
115 | Virginia | Loss of freight and prospective catch | 103,950 | ||
116 | Wave Crest | Loss of freight | 4,772 | ||
117 | Weather Gage | Loss by abandonment of voyage | 18,900 | New claim presented in the revised statement. | |
118 | Winged Racer | Loss of freight | 24,000 | The value of the freight is not separated from that of the vessel | |
Total | 1,878,422 |
Much more than the total claim prepared in relation to the Alabama.
The claims for expected profits amount, for the thirteen whalers, to $980,975, or to more than one-eighth of the entire claim prepared in relation to the Alabama.
[Page 614]Table No. III— Claims relative to whaling-vessels destroyed by the Alabama *
Page. | Name of vessel. | Tonnage. | Number of days of voyage. | Claims for the vessel. | Claims for expected profit. | Claims for profits earned. | Claims for personal effects. | Claims for damages and sundries | Total. | ||||||||||
5 | Alert | 400 | 20 | $27,858 | $174,868 | $202,726 | |||||||||||||
6 | Altamaha | 120 | 122 | 12,000 | 19,940 | $816 | 32,756 | ||||||||||||
25 | Benj. Tucker | 350 | 129 | { | Double claim. | 52,000 | } | 100,800 | $25,200 | 1,835 | 179,835 | ||||||||
7,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
45,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
31 | Courser | 125 | 189 | 12,312 | 19,845 | 150 | 32,307 | ||||||||||||
36 | Elisha Dunbar | 260 | 23 | { | Double claim. | 57,375 | } | 88,200 | 4,095 | 1,225 | 150,895 | ||||||||
21,375 | |||||||||||||||||||
36,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
52 | Kate Corey | 135 | 245 | { | Double claim. | 28,212 | } | 19,294 | 8,268 | 700 | 56,474 | ||||||||
8,212 | |||||||||||||||||||
20,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
53 | Kingfisher | 120 | 184 | { | Double claim | 16,700 | } | 12,600 | { | Double claim. | 2,652 | } | 31,952 | ||||||
4,700 | 324 | ||||||||||||||||||
12,000 | 2,328 | ||||||||||||||||||
59 | Levi Starbuck | 380 | 5 | { | Double claim | 63,360 | } | 189,312 | 860 | $16,000 | 269,522 | ||||||||
23,350 | |||||||||||||||||||
40,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
66 | Nye | 215 | 273 | { | Double claim | 37,660 | Double claim | 30,342 | { | Double claim. | 36,934 | } | 2,023 | 106,959 | |||||
7,660 | 11,442 | 5,750 | |||||||||||||||||
30,000 | 18,900 | 31,184 | |||||||||||||||||
68 | Ocean Rover | 315 | 1,220 | { | Double claim | 103,025 | } | 37,800 | { | Double claim. | 50,825 | } | 2,016 | 193,666 | |||||
53,025 | 2,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
50,000 | 48,825 | ||||||||||||||||||
70 | Ocmulgee | 460 | 215 | 40,000 | 165,510 | 77,572 | 1,903 | 35,000 | 419,985 | ||||||||||
115 | Virginia | 350 | 22 | { | Double claim | 63,550 | } | 103,950 | 167,500 | ||||||||||
13,550 | |||||||||||||||||||
50,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
55 | Lafayette, 2d | 310 | 330 | { | Double claim | 40,775 | } | 49,896 | { | Double claim. | 48,359 5,068 43,191 |
} | Double claim. | 2,326 1,050 1,276 |
} | 500 | 141,856 | ||
16,775 | |||||||||||||||||||
24,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
811 | Weather Gage | 110 | 36 | 10,053 | 18,900 | 692 | 800 | 30,445 | |||||||||||
Gross claims | 564,870 | 1,031,257 | 253,905 | 14,546 | 152,300 | 2,016,878 | |||||||||||||
Double claims. | 155,647 | 11,442 | 13,142 | 1,050 | 181,281 | ||||||||||||||
Gross tonnage | 3,650 | Net claims | 409,223 | 1,019,815 | 240,763 | 13,496 | 152,300 | 1,835,597 |
Table No. IV.—Claims relative to merchant-vessels destroyed by the Alabama*
Page of statement. | Name of vessel. | Tonnage. | No. of days of voyage. | Claims for the vessel. | Claims for freight. | Claims for cargo. | Claims for personal effects. | Claims for damages and sundries. | Total. | ||||||||||
7 | Amanda | 600 | 49 | $35,000 | $33,000 | $1,853 | $69,853 | ||||||||||||
8 | Amazonian | 480 | 41 | { | Double claim. | 68,544 | } | 11,000 | $53,758 | 2,601 | 135,903 | ||||||||
36,544 | |||||||||||||||||||
32,,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
13 | Anna Schmidt | 785 | 166 | { | Double claim. | 50,000 | } | 26,300 | { | Double claim. | 216,479 | } | 1,875 | 294,654 | |||||
5,000 | 38,078 | ||||||||||||||||||
45,000 | 178,401 | ||||||||||||||||||
23 | Ariel, steamship | 6 | 10,000 | $423 | 10,423 | ||||||||||||||
26 | Brilliant | 840 | 20 | { | Double claim. | 84,245 | Double claim | 34,531 | } | 5,187 | 1,250 | 125,213 | |||||||
9,245 | 16,351 | ||||||||||||||||||
75,000 | 18,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
27 | Charles Hill | 700 | 41 | 32,000 | 11,733 | 1,543 | 45,276 | ||||||||||||
28 | Chastelaine | 295 | 5 | 10,414 | 1,157 | 100 | 11,671 | ||||||||||||
28 | Conrad | 350 | 12 | 10,000 | { | Double claim. | 84,241 | } | 94,241 | ||||||||||
23,669 | |||||||||||||||||||
60,572 | |||||||||||||||||||
29 | Contest | 1,100 | 28 | 45,000 | 61,500 | 30,522 | 4,638 | 1,206 | 142,866 | ||||||||||
31 | Crenshaw | 280 | 4 | 20,000 | 6,721 | 753 | 27,474 | ||||||||||||
32 | Dorcas Prince | 700 | 44 | 27,000 | 15,000 | 13,776 | 3,439 | 600 | 59,815 | ||||||||||
34 | Dunkirk | 295 | 8 | { | Double claim. | 25,467 | Double claim. | 3,936 | } | 19,508 | 2,374 | 51,285 | |||||||
8,000 | 2,350 | ||||||||||||||||||
17,467 | 1,586 | ||||||||||||||||||
37 | Emma Jane | 1,100 | 8 | 51,039 | 27,762 | { | Double claim. | 5,556 | } | 2,200 | 86,557 | ||||||||
1,200 | |||||||||||||||||||
4,356 | |||||||||||||||||||
38 | Express | 1,075 | 123 | 50,000 | 31,129 | 980 | 82,109 | ||||||||||||
40 | Golden Eagle | 1,120 | 90 | 56,000 | 30,000 | 27,522 | 1,165 | 114,689 | |||||||||||
41 | Golden Rule | 255 | 9 | 10,000 | 8,207 | 68,913 | 1,060 | 88,180 | |||||||||||
46 | Highlander | 1,050 | 9 | { | Double claim. | 114,000 | Double claim. | 68,402 | } | 8,769 | 191,171 | ||||||||
30,000 | 6,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
84,000 | 62,402 | ||||||||||||||||||
47 | Jabez Snow | 1,075 | 43 | { | Double claim. | 76,200 | } | 3,500 | 3,100 | 146,208 | |||||||||
6,200 | 63,408 | ||||||||||||||||||
70,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
49 | John A. Parks | 1,050 | 19 | 56,501 | 42,306 | 25,700 | 1,933 | 360 | 126,800 | ||||||||||
51 | Justina | 7,000 | 7,000 | ||||||||||||||||
54 | Lafayette 1st | 945 | 3 | 80,000 | 18,978 | 21,537 | 1,280 | 121,795 | |||||||||||
57 | Lamplighter | 365 | 2 | 13,875 | 8,780 | 3,450 | 1,845 | 27,950 | |||||||||||
59 | Lauretta | 285 | 3 | 15,140 | 3,000 | 12,200 | 30,340 | ||||||||||||
61 | Louisa Hatch | 855 | 29 | 67,250 | 15,000 | 3,130 | 85,380 | ||||||||||||
62 | Manchester | 1,065 | 7 | { | Probable double claim. | 111,660 | } | 15,000 | 27,316 | 1,075 | 6,105 | 161,156 | |||||||
47,500 | |||||||||||||||||||
64,160 | |||||||||||||||||||
63 | Martaban | 710 | 12 | 35,600 | 15,000 | 2,322 | 52,922 | ||||||||||||
64 | Morning Star | 5,614 | 5,614 | ||||||||||||||||
24 | Baron de Castine | 1,500 | 1,500 | ||||||||||||||||
65 | Nora | 920 | 40 | { | Double claim. | 65,000 | Double claim. | 15,000 | } | 1,700 | 1,800 | 83,500 | |||||||
15,000 | 5,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
50,000 | 10,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
71 | Olive Jane | 360 | 27 | 35,000 | 15,000 | 17,529 | 2,000 | 1,000 | 70,529 | ||||||||||
73 | Palmetto | 175 | 10 | 100,000 | 12,400 | 433 | 22,833 | ||||||||||||
73 | Parker Cook | 140 | 17 | 9,493 | 1,625 | 14,281 | 665 | 26,064 | |||||||||||
74 | Rockingham | 980 | 58 | { | Double claim. | 148,573 | } | 78,128 | 8,755 | 235,456 | |||||||||
90,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
58,573 | |||||||||||||||||||
76 | Sea Bride | 450 | 79 | { | Double claim. | 39,500 | Double claim. | 21,000 | Double claim. | 82,445 | } | 3,393 | 146,338 | ||||||
9,500 | 10,500 | 37,000 | |||||||||||||||||
30,000 | 10,500 | 45,445 | |||||||||||||||||
78 | Sea Lark | 975 | 36 | { | Double claim. | 125,500 | } | 23,500 | 215,197 | 1,250 | 365,447 | ||||||||
74,500 | |||||||||||||||||||
51,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
88 | S. Gildersleeve | 850 | 65 | 35,000 | 35,000 | ||||||||||||||
89 | Sonora | 710 | 30 | 55,800 | 33,244 | 2,595 | 2,875 | 94,514 | |||||||||||
90 | Starlight | 100 | 31 | 4,220 | 1,720 | 580 | 6,528 | ||||||||||||
91 | Talisman | 1,240 | 35 | { | Double claim. | 101,950 | Double claim. | 38,579 | } | 90,371 | 2,455 | 233,355 | |||||||
33,025 | 22,488 | ||||||||||||||||||
68,925 | 16,091 | ||||||||||||||||||
95 | T. B. Whales | 600 | 143 | 20,000 | 15,165 | { | Double claim. | 190,870 | } | 2,946 | 228,981 | ||||||||
3,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
187,870 | |||||||||||||||||||
99 | Tycoon | 720 | 39 | { | Double claim. | $67,375 | Double claim | $33,740 | $333,763 | $1,471 | $11,050 | $447,399 | |||||||
3,375 | 1,680 | ||||||||||||||||||
64,000 | 32,060 | ||||||||||||||||||
110 | Union Tack | 485 | 36 | { | Double claim. | 53,000 | } | 6,000 | { | Double claim. | 89,886 | } | 2,400 | 26,888 | 172,174 | ||||
18,000 | 32,014 | ||||||||||||||||||
35,000 | 57,872 | ||||||||||||||||||
116 | Wave Crest | 410 | 8 | 29,000 | 4,772 | 24,092 | 550 | 850 | 59,264 | ||||||||||
118 | Winged Racer | 1,770 | 33 | 56,833 | 24,000 | { | Double claim. | 276,983 | } | 7,952 | 365,768 | ||||||||
20,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
256,983 | |||||||||||||||||||
Gross claims. | 2,001,179 | 847,166 | 1,984,836 | 91,433 | 66,571 | 4,991,183 | |||||||||||||
Double claims. | 385,889 | 64,549 | 153,761 | 1,200 | 605,396 | ||||||||||||||
Gross tonnage | 28,260 | Net claims | 1,615,290 | 782,617 | 1,831,075 | 90,233 | 66,571 | 4,385,786 |
I. As regards the fourteen whalers the table shows that the sum of $564,870 in paper is claimed for the vessels and outfits; hut $155,467 must be deducted from this sum, as constituting double claims, which leaves a balance of $409,233 in paper.
Moreover, the sum of $1,031,257 in paper is claimed for expected gross profits, from which $11,442 must be deducted as constituting double claims, which leaves a balance of $1,019,815 in paper.
For gross earned profits the sum of $253,905 in paper is claimed, from which must be deducted $13,142, as constituting double claims, which leaves a balance of $240,763 in paper.
The claims for the vessels, outfits, and probable and earned gross profits, therefore, amount, after deducting the double claims, to $1,669,811 in paper.
We estimate the losses for which this claim is made at $458,538 in gold, of which $365,000 represent the value of the vessels and outfits at the beginning of their voyages, and $93,538 represent a profit at the rate of 25 per cent, per annum, together with the wages from the beginning of the voyage up to the time of the capture.
The table also shows that there is a claim for the personal effects of captains, (and in one or two cases for those of the mates of vessels,) which amounts, after deducting the double claims, to $13,496, and for the damages to $152,300 in paper.
As to the claims for personal effects, we have allowed them in full.
As regards the claim for damages, it is composed almost entirely of the following items: $9,000, claimed for the first time in the month of April last, by the mate of the Levi Starbuck, for loss of time; $7,000, claimed by a harpooner, for personal injuries; this claim, however, which is only based upon a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, is supported by no affidavit, and is advanced without any explanation. The other item is a claim for $135,000, in the case of the Ocmulgee, which, it is asserted, is for losses of merchandise on board and profits. We can demonstrate that these claims should be rejected.
II. As regards the forty-four merchant-vessels the table shows the following facts:
The sum of $1,615,290 in paper is claimed for the vessels, outfits, and provisions, after deduction of the double claims.
The sum of $782,617 in paper is claimed for gross freights, after deduction of the double claims; which makes a total of $2,397,907 in paper for the vessels and freights.
We estimate the losses for which this claim is presented at $1,171,469 in gold, of which $1,130,400 represent the value of the vessels and outfits at the beginning of the voyage, and $41,069 the interest on this value and the wages from the beginning of the voyage up to the day of the capture.
The sum of $1,831,076 in paper is claimed for cargoes and profits, insurance and commission on these same cargoes, as well as for damages arising from the non-arrival at the port of destination, after deduction of the double claims, which can be easily shown for the moment We have reduced this claim to $1,626,043 in paper, and we are able to show that this reduction is, in all probability, far from sufficient.
The table shows, moreover, that the sum of $90,233 in paper is claimed for personal effects of captains, (and, in one or two cases, for those of mates likewise,) and $66,571 in paper for damages and sundry losses.
As to the personal effects of the captain or of the crew, we have allowed them to pass in all cases save five. We can show that, in these five cases, the claims are evidently exaggerated, and we have, therefore, reduced them.
As regards the claims for damages, &c., most of them are composed of extravagant demands advanced by the captains of the vessels for wages or for the loss of about twelve months of their time; of a claim of $10,000, presented by a traveler on account of delay; and of another claim of $10,000, also preferred by a traveler for the loss of his position as consul, together with other claims evidently inadmissible.
The estimated allowance for loss of personal effects, damages, &c., is $77,803 in paper.
So that the total allowance, provisionally estimated, for vessels captured by the Alabama is $1,630,007 in gold for the vessels, outfits, freights, and profits, and $1,717,842 in paper for other claims.
[Page 620]Table No. V.—Claims of provisional claims and allowances as regards the vessels captured by the Alabama.
Vessels for which claims are brought. | Object. | Claims. | Allowances. | ||||||||
The 14 whalers destroyed, (tonnage, 3,560,) viz: | |||||||||||
Alert | } | Vessels and outlays | $564,870 | } | $409,233 | } | $1,669,811 | $365,000 + $93,538 = $458,538 for vessels, outlays, (gold dollars,) and profits earned and expected. | |||
Altamaha | Double claim | 155,467 | |||||||||
Benjamin Tucker | |||||||||||
Courser | Profits expected | 1,031,257 | } | $1,019,815 | } | 1,260,578 | |||||
Elisha Dunbar | Double claim | 11,442 | |||||||||
Kate Corey | |||||||||||
Kingfisher | Earned | 253,905 | } | 240,763 | |||||||
Levi Starbuck | Double claim | 13,142 | |||||||||
Nye | |||||||||||
Ocean Rover | Personal effects | 14,546 | } | 13,496 | } | 165,790 | $13,996 for personal effects and damages, (paper dollars.) | ||||
Ocmulgee | Double claim | 1,050 | |||||||||
Virginia | |||||||||||
Lafayette 2d | |||||||||||
Weather Gage | Damages, &c | 152,300 | |||||||||
The 44 merchant-vessels, (tonnage, 28,260,) viz: | |||||||||||
Amanda | } | ||||||||||
Amazonian | |||||||||||
Anna Schmidt | |||||||||||
Ariel, S. S | |||||||||||
Brilliant | |||||||||||
Charles Hill | |||||||||||
Chastelaine | |||||||||||
Conrad | |||||||||||
Contest | |||||||||||
Crenshaw | |||||||||||
Dorcas Prince | |||||||||||
Dunkirk | |||||||||||
Emma Jane | |||||||||||
Express | |||||||||||
Golden Eagle | |||||||||||
Golden Rule | Vessels, &c | 2,001,179 | } | 1,615,290 | } | 2,397,907 | $1,130,400 + $41,069 = $1,171,469 for vessels, outlays, (gold dollars,) and freights. | ||||
Highlander | Double claim | 38,889 | |||||||||
Jabez Snow | |||||||||||
John A. Parks | Freights | 847,166 | } | 782,617 | |||||||
Justina | Double claim | 64,49 | |||||||||
Lafayette | |||||||||||
Lamplighter | Cargoes | 1,984,836 | } | 1,831,075 | $1,626,043 for cargoes, (paper dollars.) | ||||||
Lauretta | Double claim | 153,761 | |||||||||
Louisa Hatch | |||||||||||
Manchester | Personal effects | 91,433 | } | 90,233 | } | 156,804 | $77,803 for personal effects and damages, (paper dollars.) | ||||
Martaban | Double claim | 1,200 | |||||||||
Morning Star | |||||||||||
Baron de Castine | Damages | 66,571 | |||||||||
Nora | |||||||||||
Olive Jane | |||||||||||
Palmetto | |||||||||||
Parker Cook | |||||||||||
Rockingham | |||||||||||
Sea Bride | |||||||||||
Sea Lark | |||||||||||
S. Gildersleeve | |||||||||||
Senora | |||||||||||
Starlight | |||||||||||
Talisman | |||||||||||
T. B. Whales | |||||||||||
Tycoon | |||||||||||
Union Jack | |||||||||||
Wane Crest | |||||||||||
Winged Racer |
The entire gross claim, including the double inadmissible claims, those for gross expected profits, gross freights, gross profits earned, &c., amounts to $7,009,129 in paper The total allowance, provisionally estimated, amounts to $1,630,007 in gold for the vessels, outfits, profits, and freights, and to $1,717,842 in paper for the other claims.
[Page 622]Table No. VI.—Analysis of claims relative to the Florida.*
Page of statement. | Name of vessel. | Tonnage. | Number of days of voyage. | Claims for the vessel. | Claims for freight. | Claims for cargo. | Claims for personal effects. | Claims for damages and sundries. | Total. | |||||||||
125 | Aldebaran | 190 | 11 | $20,500 | $476 | $4,057 | $25,033 | |||||||||||
126 | Anglo-Saxon | 870 | 4 | 35,500 | $1,711 | 5,500 | 42,711 | |||||||||||
127 | Avon | 950 | 116 | 67,000 | 40 000 | 45,701 | 3,700 | 156,401 | ||||||||||
129 | B. F. Hoxie | 1,390 | 80 | 72,000 | 26,000 | 98,000 | ||||||||||||
130 | Clarence | 255 | 19 | 8,000 | 11,400 | 19,400 | ||||||||||||
130 | Commonwealth | 1,275 | 29 | 55,000 | 24,250 | 370,704 | 2,088 | 452,042 | ||||||||||
147 | Corris Ann | 570 | 13 | 20,000 | 1,000 | 4,400 | 25,400 | |||||||||||
148 | Crown Point | 1,100 | 39 | 58,200 | 10,100 | } | Double claim | 324,771 | } | 4,842 | $20,000 | 417,913 | ||||||
16,044 | ||||||||||||||||||
308,727 | ||||||||||||||||||
162 | Electric | 810 | 1 | 166,000 | } | Double claim. | 283,229 | } | 449,229 | |||||||||
40,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
243,229 | ||||||||||||||||||
171 | Estelle | 300 | 6 | 18,000 | 18,000 | |||||||||||||
173 | George Latimer | 200 | 20 | 12,034 | 683 | 27,000 | 39,717 | |||||||||||
179 | Henrietta | 440 | 36 | 25,000 | 7,140 | 32,131 | 1,536 | 65,807 | ||||||||||
180 | Jacob Bell | 1,385 | 96 | 50,000 | 22,783 | 308,290 | 2,333 | 20,280 | 403,686 | |||||||||
184 | Lapwing | 590 | 19 | 30,000 | 15,000 | 30,000 | 75,000 | |||||||||||
185 | M. J. Colcord | 375 | 1 | 24,624 | 10,000 | 65,867 | 100,491 | |||||||||||
187 | Mondamin | 390 | 11 | 18,129 | 3,800 | 5,000 | 1,143 | 28,072 | ||||||||||
188 | Oneida | 420 | 90 | 21,802 | 1,294 | } | Double claim. | 433,588 | } | 4,500 | 4,942 | 466,126 | ||||||
17,017 | ||||||||||||||||||
415,571 | ||||||||||||||||||
192 | Red Gauntlet | 1,040 | 23 | 60,851 | 15,188 | 32,678 | 5,059 | 25,000 | 138,776 | |||||||||
195 | Southern Cross | 940 | 77 | { | Double claim | 55,000 | { | 10,000 | 450 | 65,450 | ||||||||
25,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
30,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
197 | Star of Peace | 945 | 88 | { | Double claim | 88,000 | } | Double claim | 41,884 | } | Double claim | 368,176 | } | 550 | 498,610 | |||
32,000 | 17,500 | 33,815 | ||||||||||||||||
56,000 | 24,384 | 334,361 | ||||||||||||||||
202 | W. B. Nash | 300 | 5 | 9,950 | } | Double claim | 51,850 | } | 61,800 | |||||||||
10,000 | ||||||||||||||||||
41,850 | ||||||||||||||||||
204 | W. C. Clark | 340 | 14 | 5,000 | 5,000 | |||||||||||||
204 | Windward | 200 | 150 | 12,000 | 3,953 | 500 | 16,453 | |||||||||||
205 | Zelinda | 560 | 26 | 36,000 | 36,000 | |||||||||||||
205 | Mary Alvina | 260 | 8 | 11,000 | 3,216 | 304 | 14,520 | |||||||||||
206 | Tacony | 295 | 10 | 25,350 | 772 | 13,500 | 39,622 | |||||||||||
208 | Byzantium | 1,050 | 38 | 45,000 | 5,787 | 2,548 | 53,335 | |||||||||||
211 | Umpire | 295 | 11 | 6,100 | 2,200 | 21,155 | 150 | 29,605 | ||||||||||
17,735 | 1,056,040 | 242,036 | 2,428,417 | 30,841 | 84,865 | 3,842,199 | ||||||||||||
Double claim | 57,000 | Double claim | 17,500 | Double claim | 116,876 | |||||||||||||
999,040 | 224,536 | 2,311,541 | ||||||||||||||||
185 | Margaret Davis | 16,100 | 904 | 17,004 | ||||||||||||||
178 | Harriet Stevens | 1,000 | 9,500 | 10,500 | ||||||||||||||
209 | Goodspeed | 35,000 | 1,293 | 36,293 | ||||||||||||||
172 | General Berry | Vessel, &c | 31,576 | 1,267 | 32,843 | |||||||||||||
178 | Greenland | 550 | 2 | 6,500 | 7,200 | 1,600 | 1,065 | 360 | 16,725 | |||||||||
113,365 | ||||||||||||||||||
207 | Ada | 5,300 | ||||||||||||||||
210 | Marengo | 7,296 | ||||||||||||||||
212 | Wanderer | 7,839 | ||||||||||||||||
208 | Elizabeth Ann | 8,100 | ||||||||||||||||
210 | Rufus Choate | 8,325 | ||||||||||||||||
207 | Archer | 4,300 | ||||||||||||||||
210 | Ripple | 8,805 | ||||||||||||||||
49,965 | ||||||||||||||||||
175 | Golconda | 330 | 85 | 38,000 | 4,536 | 118,865 | 680 | 162,081 | ||||||||||
195 | Rienzi | 75 | 37 | 7,700 | 787 | 8,487 | ||||||||||||
170,568 |
Claims, total, $4,176,097.
I. In regard to the first 28 merchant vessels. The first column on the left shows the page of the revised statement where the claim is found. The second shows the name of the vessel to which the claim refers. The third shows the tonnage of the vessel. The fourth shows how many days the vessel had been on its voyage. The fifth shows what is claimed for the vessel, its outfit and provisioning, including insurance. The sixth shows the claim for probable gross profits, including the insurance on the same. The seventh shows the claim for profits earned, including insurance on the same. The eighth shows the claim for personal effects presented by the captain or first mate. The ninth shows the amount claimed for wages and certain damages and losses which are not losses of property, together with the claims presented in some few cases for the loss of travelers’ effects. The last shows the total amount of the claim presented for each vessel. In cases in which it is evident that double claims have been advanced, it has been so stated, and that which is called net claims at the end of the table, is the difference between the gross claims and the double claims.
II. In regard to the 5 following merchant-vessels the columns show similar details.
III. In regard to the 7 fishing-vessels the details are not given because the claims have been allowed to pass in full.
IV. In regard to the Rienzi the claim has been allowed to pass in full, and as regards the Golconda the details are the same as above.
I. As regards the twenty-eight merchant-vessels the table shows the following facts:
The sum of $999,040 in paper is claimed for the vessels, outfits, and provisions, after deduction of the double claims.
The sum of $224,536 in paper is claimed for gross freights, after deduction of the double claims, which makes a total of $1,223,576 in paper for the vessels and. freights.
We estimate the losses for which this claim is advanced at $734,386 in gold; of which $709,400 represent the value of the vessels and outfits at the beginning of the voyage, and $24,986 the interest on this sum, together with the wages from the beginning of the voyage up to the time of the capture.
The sum of $2,311,541 in paper is claimed for the cargoes and profits, the insurance and commission on the same cargoes, as well as for the damages, resulting from the non-arrival at the port of destination, after deduction of the double claims which can be clearly demonstrated for the moment. We have reduced this claim to $2,034,156 in paper, and we can show that this reduction is, in all probability, far from being sufficient.
As to the personal effects of the captain or crew we have allowed them to pass in all cases, save four. We are able to show that in these four cases the claims are evidently exaggerated, and we have therefore reduced them.
As regards the claims for damages, they are mainly composed of the following items: There are two new claims brought for the first time in the month of March last by the first and second mates of the Crown Point, for wages and damages; they amount to the extravagant sum of $20,000. There is a claim brought by Martha Williams, a passenger on board of the Jacob Bell, for personal effects amounting to $20,280; we can show that there are sufficient reasons for rejecting this claim. There is also a claim for $13,500, brought by the owners of the Tacony for losses in consequence of the interruption of their business; we are of the opinion that it should be struck out.
II. As regards the five other merchant-vessels we can show that there are special reasons requiring the reduction of the claims to the sums inserted in the table.
III. As regards the seven fishing-vessels and the Rienzi we have allowed the claims to pass in full.
IV. As regards the Golconda we have reduced the claim of $162,081 in paper to $71,005 in gold, in the manner and for the reasons stated on page 27 of the seventh volume of the British Appendix.
So that the total allowance, provisionally estimated, for vessels captured by the Florida, is $805,391 in gold for the vessels, outfits, freights, and profits, and $2,174,585 in paper for other claims.
[Page 625]Table No. VII.—Claims of provisional claims and allowances as regards vessels captured by the Florida.
Vessels for which claims are brought. | Object. | Claims. | Allowances. | ||||||||
The 28 merchant-vessels, (gross tonnage, 17,735 viz: | |||||||||||
Aldebaran | } | ||||||||||
Anglo-Saxon | |||||||||||
Avon | |||||||||||
B. F. Hoxie | |||||||||||
Clarence | |||||||||||
Commonwealth | |||||||||||
Corris Ann | |||||||||||
Crown Point | |||||||||||
Electric Spark | |||||||||||
Estelle | Vessels, &c | 1,056,040 | } | $999,040 | } | $1,223,576 | { | $709,400 + $24,986 = $734,386 for vessels, outlays, (gold dollars,) and profits earned and expected. | |||
George Latimer | Double claim | 57,000 | |||||||||
Henrietta | Freights | 242,036 | } | 224,536 | |||||||
Lapwing | Double claim | 17,500 | |||||||||
M. J. Colcord | |||||||||||
Mondamin | Cargoes | 2,428,417 | } | 2,311,541 | $2,034,156 for cargoes, (paper dollars.) | ||||||
Oneida | Double claim | 116,876 | |||||||||
Rod Gauntlet | |||||||||||
Southern Cross | Personal effects | 30,841 | } | 115,706 | { | $22,710 for personal effects and damages, (paper dollars.) | |||||
Star of Peace | Damages | 84,865 | |||||||||
W. B. Nash | |||||||||||
W. C. Clark | |||||||||||
Windward | |||||||||||
Zelinda | |||||||||||
Mary Alvina | |||||||||||
Tacony | |||||||||||
Byzantium | |||||||||||
Umpire | |||||||||||
Jacob Bell | |||||||||||
Five other merchant-vessels, viz: | |||||||||||
Margaret Davis | 17,004 | ||||||||||
Harriet Stevens | 10,500 | $10,000, (paper dollars.) | |||||||||
Good Speed | 36,293 | $22,000, (paper dollars.) | |||||||||
General Berry | 32,843 | $17,267, (paper dollars.) | |||||||||
Greenland | 16,725 | $10,000, (paper dollars.) | |||||||||
Seven fishing-vessels, viz: | |||||||||||
Ada | } | ||||||||||
Marengo | |||||||||||
Elizabeth Ann | |||||||||||
Rufus Choate | 49,965 | $49,965, (paper dollars.) | |||||||||
Archer | |||||||||||
Ripple | |||||||||||
Wanderer | |||||||||||
Two whaling-vessels, viz: | |||||||||||
Golconda | $162,081 | $71,005, (gold dollars.) | |||||||||
Rienzi | 8,487 | $8,487, (paper dollars.) |
The entire gross claim, including the double inadmissible claims, those for gross expected profits, gross freights earned, &c., amounts to $4,173,097 in paper.
The total allowance, provisionally estimated, amounts to $805,391 in gold for the vessels, outfits, profits, and freights, and to $2,174,585 in paper for the other claims.
Claims relative to vessels destroyed by the Shenandoah after the month of January, 1865.
Page of statement. | Name of vessel. | Tonnage. | No. of days of voyage. | Claims for vessel. | Claims for expected profits. | Claims for profits earned. | Claims for personal effects. | Claims for damages and miscellaneous claims | Total. | |||||||||||
225 | Abigail | 310 | 44 | $60,000 | $169,849 | $1,544 | $23,303 | $254,696 | ||||||||||||
227 | Brunswick | 295 | 52 | { | Double claim. | 73,200 | } | 38,625 | { | Double claim. | 13,379 | } | 1,080 | 126,284 | ||||||
23,200 | 1,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
50,000 | 12,379 | |||||||||||||||||||
229 | Catherine | 385 | 84 | 48,677 | 196,807 | 18,329 | 8,295 | 272,108 | ||||||||||||
232 | Congress | 380 | 755 | { | Double claim. | 97,000 | } | 53,075 | 33,845 | 982 | 184,902 | |||||||||
41,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
56,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
233 | Covington | 350 | 218 | 32,251 | 61,507 | 25,010 | 9,196 | 127,964 | ||||||||||||
238 | Edward Carey | 355 | 68 | 42,983 | 66,600 | 1,170 | $10,000 | 120,753 | ||||||||||||
238 | Euphrates | 365 | 63 | { | Double claim. | 59,750 | } | 100,875 | 17,814 | 3,213 | 181,652 | |||||||||
9,750 | ||||||||||||||||||||
50,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
241 | General Williams | 420 | 155 | { | Double claim. | 142,350 | } | 196,807 | 36,292 | 1,485 | 30,000 | 406,934 | ||||||||
77,173 | ||||||||||||||||||||
65,177 | ||||||||||||||||||||
243 | Gipsey | 360 | 115 | { | Double claim. | 84,000 | } | 49,075 | 10,664 | 9,034 | 152,773 | |||||||||
24,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
60,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
244 | Hector | 380 | 135 | { | Double claim. | 81,875 | } | 99,750 | 21,347 | 939 | 203,911 | |||||||||
31,875 | ||||||||||||||||||||
50,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
245 | Hillmann | 385 | { | Double claim. | 91,250 | } | 54,675 | 10,490 | 1,762 | 158,177 | ||||||||||
31,250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
60,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
247 | Isaac Howland | 400 | 90 | { | Double claim. | 125,500 | } | 196,158 | Double claim | 57,554 9,000 48,554 |
} | 3,937 | 383,149 | |||||||
60,500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
65,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
248 | Isabella | 315 | 270 | { | Double claim. | 81,650 | } | 174,600 | 27,765 | { | Double claim. | 13,222 | } | 297,237 | ||||||
21,650 | 1,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
60,000 | 12,222 | |||||||||||||||||||
250 | J. Swift | 455 | 72 | 60,000 | 138,088 | 25,500 | 2,293 | 225,881 | ||||||||||||
253 | Martha | 360 | 86 | { | Double claim. | 94,200 | } | 192,062 | 9,906 | 7,690 | 303,858 | |||||||||
34,200 | ||||||||||||||||||||
60,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
255 | Nassau | 410 | 67 | { | Double claim. | 152,500 | } | 78,750 | 9,924 | 900 | 241,574 | |||||||||
72,500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
80,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
258 | Nimrod | 340 | 62 | { | Double claim. | 79,000 | } | 158,500 | Double claim | 36,782 | } | 1,638 | 275,920 | |||||||
19,000 | 9,000 | |||||||||||||||||||
60,000 | 27,782 | |||||||||||||||||||
259 | Pearl | 195 | 63 | 27,000 | 60,890 | 6,150 | 6,200 | 100,240 | ||||||||||||
260 | Sophia Thornton | 430 | 41 | { | Double claim. | 86,333 | } | 51,100 | 2,851 | 140,284 | ||||||||||
27,050 | ||||||||||||||||||||
59,283 | ||||||||||||||||||||
262 | Susan Abigail | 160 | 57 | 24,397 | 95,975 | 107,476 | 227,848 | |||||||||||||
240 | Favorite | 295 | 61 | { | Double claim. | 110,000 | } | 87,250 | 41,070 | 2,659 | 240,979 | |||||||||
50,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
60,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
263 | Waverly | 330 | 73 | { | Double claim. | 81,250 | } | 110,876 | 34,655 | 1,732 | 228,513 | |||||||||
31,250 | ||||||||||||||||||||
50,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
264 | William Thompson | 495 | 56 | { | Double claim. | 144,500 | } | 131,250 | 15,093 | 290,843 | ||||||||||
54,500 | ||||||||||||||||||||
90,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
265 | W. C. Nye | 390 | 93 | { | Double claim. | $75,000 | } | $218,125 | $7,087 | $625 | $5,000 | $305,837 | ||||||||
20,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
55,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Gross claims | 1,954,666 | 2,781,269 | 453,550 | 104,156 | 158,676 | 5,452,317 | ||||||||||||||
Double claims. | 628,898 | 35,292 | 1,000 | 684,190 | ||||||||||||||||
Gross tonnage | 8,560 | 1,325,768 | 2,781,269 | 418,258 | 103,156 | 158,676 | 4,768,127 | |||||||||||||
241 | General Pike | 315 | 76,149 | } | 386,751 | |||||||||||||||
250 | James Maury | 295 | 73,039 | |||||||||||||||||
255 | Milo | 400 | 144,648 | |||||||||||||||||
257 | Nile | 2 | 92,915 | |||||||||||||||||
5,839,068 |
Claims for expected profits in case of the vessels captured by the Shenandoah after the month of January, 1865.
Page of statement. | Name of vessel. | Loss of expected profits. | Amount. | Remarks. |
225 | Abigail | Loss by interruption of voyage. | $169,849 | |
227 | Brunswick | Loss of probable catch | 38,625 | |
229 | Catherine | do | 196,807 | See the original list, p. 436, and the beginning of the second report; it is a new claim. |
232 | Congress | 53,075 | ||
233 | Covington | do | 61,507 | |
238 | Edward Carey | do | 66,600 | |
238 | Euphrates | Loss by interruption of voyage. | 100,875 | |
240 | Favorite | do | 87,250 | See the original list, p. 438, and the beginning of the second report; it is a new claim. |
241 | Gen’l Williams | Loss of probable catch | 196,807 | See the original list, p. 437, and the beginning of the second report; it is a new claim. |
243 | Gipsy | do | 49,075 | |
244 | Hector | do | 99,750 | |
245 | Hillmann | do | 54,675 | |
247 | Isaac Howland | do | 196,158 | See the original list, p. 426, and the beginning of the second report; it is a claim increased by $43,000. |
248 | Isabella | do | 174,600 | |
250 | J. Swift | do | 138,088 | |
253 | Martha | Loss by interruption of voyage. | 192,062 | See the original list, p. 438. |
255 | Nassau | do | 78,750 | See the original list, p. 438. |
258 | Nimrod | do | 158,500 | |
259 | Pearl | Loss of probable catch | 60,890 | |
260 | Sophia Thornton | do | 51,100 | |
262 | Susan Abigail | do | 95,975 | |
263 | Waverly | do | 110,876 | See the original list, p. 436; it is a new claim. |
264 | Wm. Thompson | do | 131,250 | |
265 | W. C. Nye | 218,125 | ||
Total | 2,781,269 |
Double claims in the case of the vessels captured by the Shenandoah after the month of January, 1865.
Page of statement. | Name of vessel. | Loss of expected profits. | Amount |
228 | Brunswick | Columbian Insurance Company | $8,000 |
Commercial Company | 16,200 | ||
232 | Congress | Atlantic Mutual Company | 35,700 |
Metropolitan Company | 5,300 | ||
339 | Euphrates | Commercial Mutual Company | 9,750 |
240 | Favorite | Metropolitan Company | 10,000 |
Atlantic Mutual Company | 40,000 | ||
241 | Gen’l Williams | Columbian Company | 22,500 |
Sun Mutual Company | 2,500 | ||
Atlantic Mutual Company | 7,500 | ||
Erreur de calcul | 44,673 | ||
Atlantic Mutual Company | 23,792 | ||
243 | Gipsy | do | 10,000 |
Columbian Company | 14,000 | ||
244 | Hector | Union Mutual Company | 17,000 |
Commercial Mutual Company | 4,500 | ||
Mutual Marine Company | 10,375 | ||
245 | Hillmann | Atlantic Mutual Company | 26,250 |
Metropolitan Company | 5,000 | ||
247 | Isaac Howland | Columbian Company | 16,500 |
Commercial Mutual Company | 15,000 | ||
Atlantic Mutual Company | 38,000 | ||
249 | Isabella | New England Company | 1,000 |
Commercial Mutual Company | 1,000 | ||
Columbian Company | 3,050 | ||
Metropolitan Company | 800 | ||
Atlantic Mutual Company | 16,800 | ||
253 | Martha | Mercantile Mutual Company | $1,000 |
Atlantic Mutual Company | 33,200 | ||
256 | Nassau | Sun Mutual Company | 10,000 |
Metropolitan Company | 9,000 | ||
Atlantic Mutual Company | 47,500 | ||
Union Mutual | 6,000 | ||
258 | Nimrod | Atlantic Mutual Company | 28,000 |
260 | Sophia Thornton | Ocean Mutual Company | 3,050 |
Commercial Mutual Company | 15,000 | ||
Union Mutual | 9,000 | ||
263 | Waverly | 31,250 | |
264 | Wm. Thompson | Commercial Mutual Company | 15,500 |
Ocean Mutual Company | 16,500 | ||
Union Mutual Company | 22,500 | ||
265 | W. Nye | Atlantic Mutual Company | 20,000 |
Total | 662,690 |
I. As regards the claim of the first four whalers, which were simply detained, we have reduced the claim of $388,951 in paper to $67,446 in gold.
II. As regards the twenty-four whalers destroyed, the table shows that the sum of $1,954,766 in paper is claimed for the vessels and outfits; but $628,898 must be deducted from this sum as constituting double claims, which leaves, a balance of $1,325,768 in paper.
Besides the above, the sum of $2,781,269 in paper is claimed for probable gross profits.
For gross earned profits $453,550 in paper is claimed; from which must be deducted $35,292 as constituting double claims, which leaves a balance of $418,258 in paper.
The claims for the vessels, outfits, and gross profits, both expected and earned, therefore amount, after the double claims have been deducted, to $4,525,295 in paper.
We estimate the losses for which this claim is presented at $1,023,318 in gold, of which $856,000 represent the value of the vessels and outfits at the beginning of their voyages, and $167,368 profit at the rate of 25 per cent. per annum, and the wages from the beginning of the voyage up to the day of the capture.
The table also shows that there is a claim for personal effects of captains (and, in one or two instances, for those of mates of vessels) which amounts, after the double claims have been deducted, to $103,156, and for damages, $158,676 in paper.
As to the claims for personal effects of the captain or crew, they have been allowed to pass in all cases, save six. We can show that in these cases the claims are evidently exaggerated, and we have therefore reduced them.
As regards the claim for damages, it is composed almost entirely of the following items:
In the case of the Edward Carey the captain’s claim, first presented in the month of March last, amounts to $10,000 for damages, in addition to his claim for personal effects.
In the case of the General Williams the captain and mate claimed for the first time in the month of March last the sums of $20,000 and $10,000, respectively, for the loss of their probable catch, in addition to their claims for personal effects.
In the case of the Pearl the mate and one Gardener, a cooper, claimed, for the first time, in the month of March last, the sums of $5,000 and $1,200, respectively, for the loss of twelve months’ time, in addition to their claim for personal effects.
In the case of the W. C. Nye the captain claims $5,000 for losses in consequence of the abandonment of his voyage, in addition to his claim for personal effects.
In the case of the Susan Abigail there is a claim for $18,716 for merchandise placed on board for commercial purposes, and a claim of $88,750 for the profits which it was expected to realize in such commerce.
We think ourselves able to show to the Tribunal that there is ground for the rejection of all these claims for damages.
[Page 631]Table of provisional claims and allowances as regards the vessels captured by the Shenandoah.
Vessels for which claims are brought. | Object. | Claims. | Allowances. | |||||||||
The 4 whalers, viz: | ||||||||||||
General Pike | } | Damages | $386,751 | $67,446. | ||||||||
James Maury | ||||||||||||
Milo | ||||||||||||
Nile | ||||||||||||
The 24 whalers destroyed, (tonnage 8,560,) viz: | ||||||||||||
Abigail | } | |||||||||||
Brunswick | ||||||||||||
Catherine | ||||||||||||
Congress | ||||||||||||
Covington | ||||||||||||
Edward Carey | ||||||||||||
Euphrates | Vessels and outlays | $1,954,666 | } | $1,325,768 | } | $4,525,295 | { | $856,000+$167,318 = $1,023,318, for personal effects and damages, (gold dollars.) | ||||
General Williams | Double claim | 628,898 | ||||||||||
Gipsy | ||||||||||||
Hector | Profits expected | Double claim | 2,781,269 | $2,781,267 | } | 3,199,527 | ||||||
Hillmann | ||||||||||||
Isaac Howland | Earned | 453,500 | } | 418,258 | ||||||||
Isabella | Double claim | 35,292 | ||||||||||
J. Swift | } | 261,832 | $46,175, (paper dollars.) | |||||||||
Martha | Personal effects | 104,156 | } | 103,156 | ||||||||
Nimrod | Double claim | 1,000 | ||||||||||
Pearl | ||||||||||||
Susan Abigail | Damages, &c | 158,676 | ||||||||||
Favorite | ||||||||||||
Waverly | ||||||||||||
W. Thompson | ||||||||||||
W. C. Nye | ||||||||||||
Nassau |
The entire gross claim, including the double inadmissible claims, those for gross expected profits, gross freights earned, &c., amounts to $5,839,068 in paper.
The total allowance, provisionally estimated, amounts to $1,023,318 in gold for the vessels, outfits, profits, freights, and the profits earned and expected, and to $113,621 in paper for the other claims.
[Page 632]Total of the claims compared.
Amounts claimed in the following tables. | Amounts granted in the report added to the English argument. | |
Class A | $1,314,286 99 | $460,893 00 |
Class B | 1,396,430 83 | 618,538 00 |
Class C | 3,309,876 10 | 2,004,376 00 |
Class D | 413,288 33 | 136,021 00 |
Class E and F | 123,807 78 | 47,850 00 |
6,557,690 03 | 3,267,678 00 | |
Class A | 228,941 92 | 108,564 00 |
Class B | 539,179 10 | 644,709 00 |
Class C | 3,339,410 02 | 1,776,357 00 |
Class D | 138,929 17 | 44,570 00 |
Class E and F | 278,618 62 | 61,350 00 |
91,225 10 | ||
4,616,303 93 | 2,635,568 00 | |
Class A, and supplement | 3,981,175 55 | 4,171,464 00 |
Class B | 118,554 43 | 29,630 00 |
Class C | 149,635 06 | 99,582 00 |
Class D | 107,075 04 | 37,560 00 |
4,356,440 04 | 1,338,236 00 | |
Alabama | 6,557,690 03 | 3,267,678 00 |
Florida | 4,616,303 93 | 2,635,568 00 |
Shenandoah | 4,356,440 04 | 1,338,236 00 |
15,530,434 00 | 7,241,482 00 | |
We here add all the claims arising from the interruption of voyages and losses of expected profits | 4,009,302 50 | |
19,539,736 50 | 7,241,482 00 | |
Present claims of the United States for expenses caused to their Navy by acts of the Florida, Alabama, and Shenandoah | 6,735,062 49 | 940,460 24 |
26,274,798 99 | 8,181,942 24 |
The United States claim interest on the whole amount at 7 per cent. per annum up to the day of payment, according to the terms of the Treaty.
- * The first column on the left shows the page of the revised statement where the claim is found. The second shows the name of the vessel to which the claim refers The third shows the tonnage of the vessel. The fourth shows how many days the vessel had been on its voyage. The fifth shows what is claimed for the vessel, its outfit and provisioning, including insurance. The sixth shows the claim for probable gross profits, including the insurance on the same. The seventh shows the claim for profits earned, including insurance on the same. The eighth shows the claim for personal effects presented by the captain or first mate. The ninth shows the amount claimed for wages and certain damages and losses which are not losses of property, together with the claims presented in some few cases for the loss of travelers’ effects. The last shows the total amount of the claim presented for each vessel. In cases in which it is evident that double claims have been advanced, it has been so stated, and that which is called net claims, at the end of the table, is the difference between the gross claims and the double claims.↩
- * The first column on the left shows the page of the revised statement where the claim is found. The second shows the name of the vessel to which the claim refers. The third shows the tonnage of the vessel. The fourth shows how many days the vessel had been on its voyage. The fifth shows what is claimed for the vessel, its outfit, and provisioning, including insurance. The sixth shows the claim for probable gross profits, including the insurance on the same. The seventh shows the claim for profits earned, including insurance on the same. The eighth shows the claim for personal effects, presented by the captain or first mate. The ninth shows the amount claimed for wages, and certain damages and losses which are not losses of property, together with the claims presented in some few cases for the loss of travelers’ effects. The last shows the total amount of the claim presented for each vessel. In cases in which it is evident that double claims have been advanced it has been so stated, and that which is called net claims, at the end of the table, is the difference between the gross claims and the double claims.↩