Mr. McCulloch, collector, to Captain Spence, United States Navy.
Collectors Office, August 19, 1816.
Sir: Information has just been given me, by the consul of Spain at this port, that a Spanish vessel, captured in the West Indies by an American citizen, as is supposed, and under South American colors, has been sent into our waters as a prize, and that measures are taken to send down vessels from this port to take out the cargo, equally against [Page 458] the civil and revenue laws. A necessity therefore arises to request your aid and co-operation by furnishing one of the vessels of the United States, sufficiently armed and manned, to proceed to the river Patuxent, where the vessel above mentioned is stated to be at present, for the purpose of seizing and conducting her to this port, that justice may be done according to the laws and the equitable intentions of the Government of the United States.
[32] *Expedition being necessary, allow me to request your orders in the case as promptly as possible.
I am, sir, yours,
- Captain Spence,
United States Navy.