Mr. McCulloch, collector, to Sailing Master Dorsey, United States Navy.

Sir: In consequence of instructions heretofore given from the Department *of War and the Navy, I have called on the military and naval commanders at this station to furnish a sufficient force to suppress an illegal enterprise, partly entered upon already, and now preparing to be renewed with increased forces. The laws are violated and the peace of the United States hazarded by such actions, whether those concerned are aware of their nature and consequences or not. [20]

The most of the persons engaged in the present instance are persons uninformed in these respects, and certain instances of injury done to our seamen and others have, perhaps, exerted a resentment which justifies itself with them; but the depredations committed, or intended to be committed, are equally dishonorable and unlawful, until authorized by the Government as just retaliation. You will receive herewith the laws of the United States which relate to this case; also the instructions of the owner of this vessel, a citizen of the United States, as he hath sworn, directing this unlawful proceeding. You will go as speedily as possible with the vessel you command, placed at my requisition *by Captain Spence for this purpose, to East River, in Mock Jack Bay, or to any other place where you may learn that this vessel lays, and take possession of and bring her to this port, with all effects, money, goods, and merchandise found on board, or any other vessel acting or used as a consort store ship or receiving vessel, unless she is found to be already in the hands of the Government by any of its officers, when you will please to afford any assistance in your power to secure and defend her thus, or to transport her to a place of safety. I wish you, sir, a pleasant time and speedy return, with the satisfaction of having promptly performed a duty to justice and to your country. [21]

I remain, in haste, respectfully,


Bisco Dorsey, Esq.,
In Command United States Schooner Asp.