No. 71.
Mr. Shannon to Mr. Fish.
Rio de Janeiro, September 24, 1872. (Received October 22.)
Sir: The primary elections for deputies, which took place on the 18th August, were followed by elections on the 7th instant for members [Page 108] (vereadores and juizes de paz) to the new municipal governments, whose term of service will be four years running from January next.
These elections were held in the churches, attended by the military force to preserve order, and, in all respects, were conducted in the same manner as the primary elections for deputies, of which I gave some account in my No. 76.
The secondary elections for deputies took place on the 18th instant, and returns thus far received from the various electoral colleges show that the opponents of the present ministry (dissident conservatives and liberals) have had several important successes. Two of the three deputies chosen for the capital are opponents of the ministry, while all the deputies chosen for the province of Rio Grande do Sul, it is said, are liberals.
Independence day was celebrated on the 7th instant with unusual ceremony. After going in a body, as is the custom, to exchange congratulations with the Emperor, the diplomatic corps attended the unveiling of the statue of Jose Bonifacio de Andrada é Silva, which had been set up in the square of San Francisco de Paula. The imperial family, the court officials, and the ministry were present. The concourse of people was immense, and nothing was omitted to render the ceremony both splendid and impressive.
Yisconde de Itaúna, who has been at the head of the department of agriculture, commerce, and public works since May last, died, after a short illness, on the 26th ultimo. Senator Francisco de Rego Barros Barreto has been appointed to replace him.
There are various rumors afloat concerning the mission of General Mitre. It is said that after three months’ effort he is unable to persuade this government to consent to the abrogation of the Cotegipe treaties, which was the original object and purpose of his mission; though it is believed that if the Tejedor note should be withdrawn, something might be done in the way of securing some alteration of those treaties and so reconciling the two governments.
The Tuscarora, Lieutenant Belknap, United States Navy, commanding, bound for the Pacific, entered this port on the 3d, and sailed again on the 9th instant.
I have, &c,