No. 45.
Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish.
Rio de Janeiro, September 23, 1871. (Received October 21.)
Sir: I have the honor to inclose to you a translation of the note just [Page 67] received this evening from the minister of foreign affairs, by which it will be seen that Mr. Correia informs me that Her Highness the Princess Imperial Regent/in the name of the Emperor, has been pleased to appoint the Baron de Itajubá, now the Brazilian envoy, &c, in France to be a member of the tribunal of arbitration, under the first article of the treaty of Washington, (of May, 1871.)
The Baron de Itajubá is over sixty years of age, was educated for the bar, was professor of law in one of the schools in this empire, and he has been for more than twenty years resident in Europe as envoy to Prussia (where he married) and France. He has never served in, or lived in, England, and, from what I can learn, is a gentleman of learning, impartial disposition, excellent good sense and judgment. He has the complete confidence of the Emperor, who, of course, made the appointment, although it is communicated to us as having been made by the Princess Regent in his name. I do not know of any Brazilian who could have been chosen whose reputation for fitness and fairness would be better than that of Baron de Itajubá.
I hope it may be as acceptable in Washington, as it is certainly well-approved here.
Yours, &c,