No. 445.
Mr. Rublee to Mr. Fish.

No. 109.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, on the 1st instant, of your dispatch, No. 92, of October 10, instructing me to communicate to the government of the Swiss Confederation the expression of the grateful appreciation, by the President of the United States, of the friendly act of the President of that confederation in naming one of the members of the tribunal of arbitration for the settlement of the Alabama claims, and of the high character and eminent services of the arbitrator thus named, and of the hospitalities and courtesies extended to the tribunal of arbitration, and to those who represented the interests of the Government of the United States in connection with it, by the federal council of Switzerland, and by the authorities and citizens of Geneva.

In accordance with your instructions, I called, to-day, upon the President of the confederation, who had just returned from a temporary absence, and communicated to him the sentiments expressed by the President of the United States, and left with him a note, a copy of which is transmitted herewith, in which I had embodied the substance of your dispatch.

I am, &c.,


Mr. Rublee’s note to the President of the Confederation.

The tribunal of arbitration, appointed agreeably the provisions of the treaty of Washington, of the 8th of May, 1871, having concluded its deliberations and pronounced its final decision, at Geneva, on the 14th September last, the undersigned, minister resident of the United States of America to Switzerland, has been instructed by his Government to make known to the government of Switzerland that the President of the United States most highly appreciates the obligation of the United States, in common with Great Britain, to the friendly governments which have rendered assistance in the determination of the grave international questions that were at issue.

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This obligation has been enhanced by the high character and elevated positions of the eminent gentlemen named as arbitrators by these governments. The learning, the industry, the ability, and the impartiality which those gentlemen have displayed have made a profound impression upon the President, and have not only contributed, in an essential degree, to the satisfactory conclusion of the pending questions in which two governments were interested, but must have a powerful effect in commending the principle of arbitration to the attention of the civilized world as an effective method of adjusting many international disputes hereafter.

In addition to the expression of his appreciation of the friendly act of the President of Switzerland in naming one of the arbitrators, and of the high character and eminent services of the arbitrator thus named, the President of the United States desires to acknowledge the indebtedness of the United States to the federal council for the hospitality with which the tribunal of arbitration, before which the United States were a party, was received within the territory of the republic, and for many hospitalities and liberal courtesies extended to the agents and counsel of the United States.

To the government of Geneva the President of the United States desires also to express his grateful appreciation of their voluntarily placing the hall of the Hotel de Ville of the city of Geneva at the disposition of the tribunal for its sittings, and for the courtesies of the authorities and of the citizens of that beautiful city and canton, extended to those who represented the interests of the Government of the United States in connection with the tribunal; and for the reception, for preservation, among their own archives, of the archives of the tribunal.

The President of the United States requests that the President of Switzerland will kindly convey to the Hon. Mr. Stámpfli his thanks, and will communicate to him the high opinion entertained by the President of the United States of his character and services as one of the arbitrators, and to the federal council and to the government of Geneva, the sentiments which are above expressed; and to Mr. Favrot his appreciation of the able manner in which he discharged the arduous duties of secretary to the tribunal.

The undersigned seizes this occasion to renew to your excellency and to the members of the high federal council the expression of his highest consideration.


His Excellency the Honorable D. Emil Welti,
President of the Swiss Confederation, Berne.