No. 427.
Mr. Sickles to Mr. Fish.
Madrid, August 18, 1872. (Received August 26.)
Sir: The following is the text of a cable message forwarded to-day from this legation:
“Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, Washington:
“King has signed regulations enforcing emancipation law in Cuba and Porto Rico.
I have reason to hope, from the repeated assurances given me by the minister of the colonies, Mr. Gasset y Artime, that these regulations will appear to have been framed with a sincere purpose to execute the law. If published in the Gazette, I shall lose no time in forwarding a copy for your perusal. In any event 1 presume a copy will be given to me, although perhaps unofficially, as the minister of the colonies kindly intimated a wish a few days ago that I would read the draught of the document which was then under consideration.
My impression is that, if the election for the congress appointed to meet on the 1st of September proximo prove favorable to the liberal party, the law of 1870 will be made a more comprehensive and satisfactory measure.
Following the tenor of your repeated instructions, I shall regard it as my duty to renew the representations I have so often made in the name of the President on this subject.
I am, &c.,