No. 413.
Mr. Biddle to Mr. Fish.
San Salvador, August 8, 1872. (Received September 16.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you a copy of the latest war-bulletin, which records a signal victory by the Arias party in Honduras, aided by their Salvadoreanallies, commanded by General Espinosa, with the additional forces of ‘Generals Osorio and Solares, at Santa Barbara, against the Ex-President Medina and General Miranda.
I was informed yesterday by the vice-president, Mendez, who also is minister of public instruction, &c., that a telegraphic dispatch had just been received from the governor of the department of Santa Rosa, in Salvador, stating that he had received advices from Chalatenango that Ex-President Medina had been captured, after a battle in which many officers fell. The news will not be published until further confirmation.
News has also arrived of a singular episode to the war; the Salvadorean general, Antonia Medina, who is known by the sobriquet of “Medinila,” having occupied the castle of Omoa, has proclaimed himself President of Honduras, but as he is without resources, pecuniary or military, it is thought that his administration will be as nominal as brief.
I have, &c.,