No. 404.
Mr. Biddle to Mr. Fish.
San Salvador, May 20, 1872. (Received June 19.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that at Sensuntepeque, in this republic, on the 10th May instant, President Gonzales issued a proclamation depositing the government with the Vice-President, Doctor Don Manuel Mendez, while placing himself at the head of the army to direct in person military operations, agreeably to artitles 42 and 47, section 10, of the constitution of Salvador.
General Don Ricardo Streber officially announced that, on the 7th of May, he had occupied Amapala by its capitulation.
Thus the key to the Pacific for Honduras has been taken by Salvador, and without bloodshed, which lends another hope for early peace.
Generals Osorio and Delgado, of Salvador, overcoming opposition, have triumphantly entered Tomala.
On the 15th of May Marshal Gonzales, with his army, occupied Gualanse, without a battle, the garrison having retreated upon Gratias.
Official news comes through La Union that the cabinet of Honduras have fled from Comayagua for Omoa, on the Atlantic, leaving behind supplies and munitions of war with the Salvadorean General Espinosa, rapidly advancing upon the capital. Meantime, on the 12th of May instant, Celeo Arias, a citizen of Honduras, in the interest of Salvador, has proclaimed himself as the provisional President of his country, and it is said that he has been unqualifiedly accepted by the departments of Comayagua, La Paz, Tegucigalpa, Paraiso, and Choluteca.
The latest official news is that General Osorio, of Salvador, communicates through Chalatenango, from the army marching on Gratias, thus: “Medina flies at the approach of our forces. Gratias will be held by us the day after to-morrow.”
[Page 536]All of this information has been supplied to me as authentic, by Acting President Mendez, having been officially received from the commanding generals.
I am, &c.,