No. 327.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 594.]

Sir: General Rocha arrived with his army at Saltillo on the 5th, and continued his march against Monterey on the 8th instant, aided by the [Page 436] forces of General Revueltas. At the same time General Ceballos advanced upon Monterey from the Rio Grande, so that the three forces should have been in front of that city on the 10th instant. It is not likely that they have met with serious resistance, as General Trevino, with most of his troops, has retreated toward Piedras Negras, on the Rio Grande. It is also known that the insurgents have sent commissioners to President Juarez to solicit terms upon which to make their submission.

On the 1st instant the city of San Luis Potosi was attacked by Pedro Martinez at the head of a few hundreds of cavalry. He was easily repulsed, and most of his force destroyed.

In Jalisco the news is extremely favorable. The scattered bands under Galvan, Lomeli, Labastida, and others, have been beaten in detail, and the leaders forced to abandon that State. In Colima an attack upon the capital has been repulsed. Comparative tranquillity exists in most of the republic, and it may at last be confidently announced that the revolution is practically at an end.

I am, &c,