No. 325.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, July 1, 1872. (Received July 19.)
Sir: No important change in the military situation has taken place since my last general dispatch. General Rocha has not yet arrived at Saltillo, and the rebels occupy the same positions as at the beginning of last month.
New lines of telegraph have been opened between Guadalajara and San Bias, via Tepic, and between Merida and Campéche.
Great insecurity to life and property prevails in all parts of the republic. The fearful crime of kidnaping is becoming increasingly frequent, and the latest instance has caused great alarm in this city. Four days ago a wealthy Mexican was kidnaped in one of the central streets of this city. His captors demanded $100,000 for his release, under threat of murdering him, and no effectual step has yet been taken to detect the criminals.
Mr. Joaquin Ruiz has declined the ministry of justice, and no new appointment has been made.
I am, &c.,