No. 315.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, May 17, 1872. (Received May 31.)
Sir: The principal military events of the past fortnight have been the occupation of Mazatlan by General Rocha, on the 5th instant, and the repulse of Trevino from Matamoras by General Ceballos. Rocha continued his march on the 7th instant against Culiacan, the capital of the State of Sinaloa. Generals Corella and Carrillo started on the 7th instant from San Luis Potosi against Monterey and Saltillo.
The news from Tabasco is favorable. Several battles have taken place lately in Jalisco, in some of which the rebels appear to have gained some slight advantages.
The anniversaries of the Mexican victory at Puebla on the 5th of May, 1862, and the capture of Queretaro on the 15th of May, 1867, were appropriately celebrated by the national and local authorities. Telegraphic lines have been recently opened from this city to Ohilpanzingo, the capital of the State of Guerrero, and from Tepic to San Bias.
The Count of Enzenberg, minister from the German Empire, was received by President Juarez on the 6th instant.
Congress has continued to discuss the prolongation of the “ample faculties,” the estimates, and the new tariff of Minister Romero, without having come to any resolution thereupon.
The opposition deputies have put forth all their strength in resisting the “faculties,” and when they were on the point of being voted, on the 14th instant, they left the chamber en masse, thus breaking up the quorum. By the repetition of such tactics they may possibly prevent the passage of this law, but in that case an extra session will, doubtless, be convoked.
Mr. Romero has made several brilliant speeches in support of his proposed tariff, and the proper committee has reported in its favor with but two unessential modifications.
I am, &c.,