No. 312.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 564.]

Sir: The “extraordinary faculties” conferred upon President Juarez by the law of December 1, 1871, for the term of one month after the next meeting of congress, expired yesterday by limitation.

The subject of the renewal of these powers has been hotly debated in congress for the last fortnight, but, owing to the defection of some of the administration deputies the opposition were yesterday able to break up the quorum.

On the ballot for president of congress for the present month, the administration candidate, Mr. Higinio Nuñez, was elected by but five votes over his competitor, Mr. Isidro Montiel.

The “faculties” will almost certainly be voted soon, but the immediate consequence is that the government is disarmed of its most powerful weapon for the suppression of the rebellion.

Martial law, which had been declared in nine or ten States, necessarily ceases, and several governors who are very hostile to President Juarez will resume their posts.

News was received to-day of the successful termination of the revolution in Yucatan, and of the arrival of General Rocha near Mazatlan.

I am, &c.,