No. 299.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Nelson.

No. 234.]

Sir: A copy of a letter from the Treasury Department, dated the 16th instant, covering one from Mr. M. Kenedy, on the subject of further depredations committed in Texas upon citizens of the United States by marauders from the Mexican side of the line, is herewith transmitted.

You are requested to lay these papers before the minister for foreign affairs of Mexico, and to demand that reparation be made for the alleged outrages upon our citizens.

I am, &c.

[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Boutwell to Mr. Fish.

Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter written by Mr. Kenedy, of Brownsville, Texas, to Judge Downey of that place, now in this city. This letter corroborates the statements [Page 406] received from other sources, that American citizens on the line of the Rio Grande are subject to depredations on the other side of the river, and the loss of large numbers of cattle.

Yours, respectfully,

[Inclosure 2.]

Edward Downey, Washington City. D. C.:

Conducta from Zacatecas, via Camargo and Rio Grande City, arrived to-day, bringing $500,000. Was attacked by Coballo Blanco at ferry opposite Rio Grande City. No harm done.

On evening of 6th, seven hundred head of cattle were crossed by an armed baud of Mexicans at Santi Maria. They took Inspector Sheldon, the two Champions, and others prisoners, and held them until the drove was safely crossed into Mexico. Will write fully by mail.

Yours truly,