No. 288.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 512.]

Sir: On the 29th ultimo General Neri, commandingthe federal forces in the State of Zacatecas, suffered a defeat near Fresnillo, in consequence of which he was obliged to evacuate the City of Zacatecas and retire with the state government to Aguas Calientes. The city was immediately occupied by the insurgents under General Guerra.

News has been received of the death of General Felix Diaz, late governor of Oaxaca, and brother of Portfirio Diaz. He had fled to the southward on the taking of Oaxaca, expecting to embark in a vessel which he had at Puerto Angel, but not succeeding in this, he sought refuge with a few attendants in the mountains, where he was hunted down by forces from Tehauntepec, who were bitterly hostile to him. He was captured alive, but was shot before being presented at headquarters.

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Robberies continue to abound in the vicinity of this city. Two days since the Vera Cruz Railway was again robbed at Paso Ancho.

I am, &c.,