No. 223.
Mr. Bassett to Mr. Fish.
Port au Prince, Hayti, August 10, 1872. (Received August 27)
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 141, of the 27th ultimo, in which the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Charles F. Teel, our consular agent at Miragoâne, were stated, I have the honor to inform you that, although several communications have passed between the Haytian minister and myself, and I have had with him several interviews in relation to the subject, and although the charges and pretended suspicions against Mr. Teel are one by one vanishing, yet he is still in prison at Anse-à-Veau. The minister has, however, promised me that he will cause the case to be pushed forward and closed with all possible expedition.
As there now appears to be some reasonable prospect of the speedy release of Mr. Teel, it is perhaps best that I should defer forwarding the correspondence and the notes of interviews with the minister in relation to the case up to this elate, in order that I may be able soon, I hope, to inclose them all under one cover and one comment.
I have, &c.,