No. 162.
Sir Edward
Thornton to Mr. Fish.
Washington, July 20,
1872. (Received July 22.)
Sir: You may remember that you recently
made some remarks to me, unofficially, as to communications which
had been received by the Department of State from the consul of the
United States at Gaspe relative to the position in which the
American flag was hoisted on board the American schooner James Bliss
after her seizure by Canadian authorities. Anxious as I have ever
been to prevent everything which may give rise to the least
unfriendly feeling between the two nations, I thought it expedient
to address a confidential dispatch upon the subject to the
Governor-General of Canada.
I have now the honor to inclose copy of a dispatch which I have
received from Lord Dufferin, accompanied by a report of the
committee of the privy council of the Dominion, from which you will
perceive that the Canadian government disavows any intention of
showing disrespect to the flag of the United States, and has ordered
the practice of placing one flag over another under such
circumstances to be discontinued.
I have, &c,
[Inclosure 1.]
Lord Dufferin
to Sir Edward Thornton.
Canada, Riviêre du Loup, July 13, 1872.
Sir: I have the honor to forward to you
a minute of the privy council of the Dominion, respecting the
alleged hoisting of the American flag, with the union downward,
under the British flag, on the American schooner James Bliss,
and I have to request you to inform the Secretary of State of
the United States that before the incident in question was
brought to the notice of the privy council of the Dominion by
your dispatch, dated 25th June last, steps had already been
taken to investigate the circumstances of the case as reported
in the newspapers, and that this investigation is now being
proceeded with.
In the mean time, however, my government is anxious to disavow in
the amplest manner any intention to show disrespect to the flag
of the United States, and they have at once ordered the unseemly
practice of placing one flag over another in cases of a similar
character to be discontinued.
I have, &c,
[Inclosure 2.]
Copy of a report of a committee of the
honorable the privy council, approved by his excellency the
Governor-General on the 8th
July, 1872.
On a memorandum, dated July 3, 1872, of the honorable the
minister of justice, to whom was referred the confidential
dispatch of Sir Edward Thornton, dated 25th June last, on the
subject of the alleged hoisting the American flag, with the
union downward, and under the British flag, on the American
fishing-schooner James Bliss, reporting
[Page 206]
that, before this incident was brought to
the notice of the council by this dispatch, steps were taken to
have an investigation into the circumstances as they were stated
in the newspapers.
That this investigation is now being proceeded with, and,
meanwhile, he recommends that your excellency be pleased to
inform Sir Edward Thornton that the Canadian government disavows
any intention to show any disrespect to the flag of the United
States, and stating that they will see that strict inquiry is
made into the facts, and that they have ordered the practice of
placing one flag over the other in case of similar captures to
be discontinued.
The committee concur in the foregoing report, and advise that a
copy of this minute be transmitted to Sir Edward Thornton.