No. 147.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Scheneh.

No. 240.]

Sir: It has been suggested to this Department, and the suggestion is concurred in, that if the sympathy which we entertain for the inhumanly persecuted Hebrews in the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were made known to the government to which you are accredited, it might quicken and encourage the efforts of that government to discharge its duty as a protecting power, pursuant to the obligations of the treaty between certain European states. Although we are not a party to that instrument, and, as a rule, scrupulously abstain from interfering directly or indirectly in the public affairs of that quarter, the grievance adverted to is so enormous as to impart to it, as it were, a cosmopolitan character, in the redress of which all countries, governments, and creeds are alike interested.

You will consequently communicate on this subject with Her Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, in such way as you may suppose might be most likely to compass the object in view.

I am, &c,