No. 14.
Washington, August 5, 1872.
[Circular No. 25.]
To the Diplomatic and Consular Officers of the United States:
It has been represented to this Department by the Acting Secretary of the Treasury that complaints have been made that the schedule fee for certificates and seals has been charged by consular officers for the verification of assignments of United States bonds. A sit is apprehended that such charges may affect the value of our securities abroad, he has requested that the tariff of fees may be so modified as to exempt from any consular fee the necessary certificates to the execution of assignments of such securities, and to powers of attorney for the collection of interest on them.
It is accordingly directed that no fee will hereafter be charged for witnessing the execution and taking the acknowledgment of assignments of United States registered bonds, or of powers of attorney to assign such bonds or to collect interest thereon.
Acting Secretary.