No. 117.
Mr. Wing to Mr. Fish.
Quito, Ecuador, January 18, 1872. (Received February 16.)
Sir: Permit me to express the gratification with which, since writing my dispatch No. 183, I have received and read the opinion of the President in his late message upon the subject of “steamship subsidies.”
It is also with peculiar interest and pleasure that I observe the lucid and cogent reasoning of Secretary Boutwell in regard to the same important matter. The public-spirited American cannot long remain in foreign ports without imbibing these views to a greater or less extent, without regard to his former opinions, or habits of thought, or political and local prejudices.
You will pardon me for thus presuming to add another to the many communications that I have heretofore addressed to the Department, relative to our shipping and foreign commerce.
I have, &c,