The reply of Mr. Lerdo de Tejada has been received to-day, and copy and
translation are herewith transmitted.
Hon. Wiliiam H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Mr. Plumb to Señor Lerdo de Tejada.
Legation of the United
States, Mexico,
September 30, 1868.
Sir: In conformity with the request made in
the note addressed to me by the department of foreign relations of
the Mexican government, on the 10th of July last, relating to the
reported renewal in the United States, by the enemies of the public
order of Mexico, of their efforts to effect the organization of
expeditions hostile to the peace of the Mexican republic, and
expressing the expectation that the government of the United States
would prevent the development of such projects, I immediately
transmitted to the Secretary of State of the United States a copy of
that note and of the documents which accompanied it.
I have received, by the mail which has just arrived, the reply of the
Secretary of State.
In this reply I am advised that long prior to the receipt of my
dispatch the attention of the government of the United States had
been drawn to the organizations referred to.
Prompt, and it is believed, effectual measures, were taken for their
suppression and the maintenance of the laws of the United States for
the preservation of neutrality.
I am instructed to inform the government of Mexico of this fact, of
which it has probably been apprised by the reports of its agents in
the United States.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, your most
obedient servant,
His Excellency Sebastian Lerdo de
Tejada, Minister of Foreign Relations
of the Republic of Mexico.
Señor Lerdo de Tejada to
Mr. Plumb.
Department of Foreign
Relations, Mexico,
October 8,
Sir: You were pleased to communicate to
me in your note of the 30th of September last, that you had
opportunely transmitted to the honorable Secretary of State of
the United States of America, copy of the note of this
department of the 10th of July last, and of the documents
annexed to it, referring to the reported renewal within the
territory of the United States by certain of the enemies of the
public order and tranquillity of Mexico, of their efforts to
organize expeditions hostile to the peace of this republic; and
that you had now received the reply of the honorable Secretary
of State, stating that long before the receipt of your dispatch
the attention of the government of the United States had been
directed to the said machinations, dictating prompt and
[Page 602]
efficacious measures
to suppress them and to maintain the observance of the laws of
neutrality of the United States.
I have given an account of your note to the President of the
republic, and by his direction I have the honor to ask you to be
pleased to express to the honorable Secretary of State the high
appreciation with which the government of Mexico has seen the
promptitude and efficacy of the measures of the government of
the United States in the case referred to, esteeming the same as
a new proof of its friendly sentiments towards Mexico, and as a
new manifestation of the cordial relations which happily exist
between the two republics.
I am, sir, with the highest consideration, very respectfully,
your obedient servant,
Mr. Edward Lee Plumb, Charge d’Affaires of the United States of
America, Mexico.