Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward
Sir: By a report made to me from Mr. West, the consul at Dublin, I find that there remain imprisoned at Dublin at this moment only three persons known to be citizens of the United States. The remainder have been liberated on condition of returning to the United States. The expense of the return of such as could not defray it from their own means has been paid under authority given by your cable telegram of the 7th of April.
The newspapers have formally announced that Colonel Nagle has also been released. But I regret to learn from Lord Stanley that this is not true. I have reason to believe that he favors the thing, and that it will be ultimately accomplished. The matter is reduced to a condition which ought scarcely to be considered as an obstacle by the government. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.