Captain Pestchouroff to Mr. de Stoeckl
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, in accordance with your orders, I left Sitka on the 22d of August, having terminated the labors of the commission intrusted to me. That part of my instructions directing me to make a division of the public and private property in our former possessions was accomplished on my arrival in Sitka, as shown by the protocol signed in duplicates by General Rousseau and myself.
The public property in Kodiak was delivered by me this summer to Colonel Smedberg, sent there by General Halleck to receive it; and the property at the posts of St. Nicholas and Constantine, as agreed with General Davis, was left in charge of the former agents of the Russian-American Company at those places, with directions to turn it over to the United States government, or to any persons authorized by General Davis to receive it.
Thus the clause of the treaty with regard to the division of the government and private property, and the delivery of the former to the United States, has been fully accomplished.
I am, &c., &c.,
His Excellency Mr. de Stoeckl.