Mr. Stoeckl to Mr. Seward
May 29, June 10,
Mr. Secretary: I hasten to inclose to you, for
the information of the federal government, the copy of a regulation,
sanctioned by his Majesty the Emperor, which completes one of the
articles of the Russian Code of Commerce.
Please accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurance of my very high
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.
By a decree of the 5th of March of this year, published in the Law
Bulletin, the senate directing, promulgates a decision of the
council of the empire, sanctioned by his Majesty the Emperor, on the
5th of February last, which completes article 855 of the code of
commerce, and supersedes article 20 of the regulation on Russian
flags, sanctioned by his Majesty the Emperor, the 23d of June, 1865,
and the observation appended to it, as well as article 1233 of the
Penal Code, by the following dispositions:
1. By exception to the general rule laid down in article 855 of the
Code of Commerce, (vol. XI of the Code of Lois,) it is allowed, till
further orders, to keep on board Russian vessels not only foreign
captains and. mates, but foreign sailors, without limit in
2. In order to increase the means of forming sailors in Russia, the
owners of ships whose crews are composed of more than three-fourths
foreigners shall be compelled to pay into the treasury annually, for
the benefit of seamen, an annual duty of 25 rubles for each man over
that proportion. This duty shall be paid at the custom-house, and
where there is none, to the port warden, when the crew-list is
handed to him.