Mr. Stoeckl to Mr. Seward
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to annex hereto an extract of a report which has been addressed to me by Captain Pestchouroff, our commissioner at Sitka.
You will perceive from it, Mr. Secretary of State, that it refers to some buildings which are claimed by General Davis and the collector of customs, Dodge. The division of the public and private property has already been settled, and a protocol concerning it has been signed and drawn up by the two commissioners. I think that the way to settle the question of which Captain Pestchouroff speaks will be to adhere to the strict terms of that formal document.
You will perhaps deem it expedient to give General Davis your orders on the subject, and I shall not fail to furnish Captain Pestchouroff with similar instructions.
I beg of you, Mr. Secretary of State, to be pleased to bring this communication to the knowledge of the Secretary of the Treasury, who must have received a report from Mr. Dodge having relation to this affair.
Be pleased to receive, Mr. Secretary of State, the repeated assurances of my very high consideration.
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.