Mr. Clay to Mr. Seward
Sir: I have just received the following note, No. 6929, from the adjunct minister of foreign affairs, which I translate from the French:
St. Petersburg, October 7–19, 1868.
Mr. Envoy: I have the honor to inform you that the imperial ministry has duly received the two volumes containing the diplomatic correspondence in reference to the late President Lincoln, which accompanied the note of the United States legation of the 3–15th September last, and to beg you at the same time to be pleased to transmit to the Congress the thanks of the imperial government and of the chancellor of the empire for the gift (l’envoi) of that publication of such great and legitimate interest.
Receive, Mr. Envoy, &c., &c.,
Mr. General Clay, &c., &c.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.