Mr. Seward to Mr. Dix
Sir: I have carefully read your dispatch of the 26th of May, No. 231, which relates to the case of Jules Pinon under the French conscription, law.
[Page 450]Nothing could be more gratifying than the liberality with which this case and other similar cases have been disposed of by the French courts, and under the authority of the imperial government.
The policies of the two governments practically coincide in regard to the effects of naturalization, and its bearing upon the military service, and we have only occasional cases for easy explanation and adjustment. Why, then, is it not expedient to make our agreement complete, by the adoption of a treaty substantially like those which have been made between the United States and North Germany and between the United States and Bavaria?
I send you a copy of the latter treaty. Will you please confer with Mr. Moustier upon the subject? It seems to me that all the advantages which France holds under the present system are unimportant to her, while a removal of all grounds of difference by treaty would tend immensely to cement good relations between France and the United States.
Should Mr. Moustier agree to negotiate, you may advise me by telegraph, and I will send you the necessary power.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
John A. Dix, Esq., &c., &c., &c.