Mr. Ford to Mr. Seward
Sir: Her Majesty’s consul at Canton, in bringing to the notice of her Majesty’s government the barbarous treatment practiced on shipwrecked crews by the savage tribes inhabiting the southern end of the island of Formosa, has transmitted to England an extract from the Hong Kong newspaper, the “China Mail,” of the 11th of November last.
A detailed account is therein given of the steps taken by General Le Gendre, the United States consul at Amoy, on learning the disastrous events that ensued in the landing of a party of men from the United States man-of-war Hartford, whilst seeking reparation for the massacre of the shipwrecked crew of the American vessel Rover.
The measures inaugurated by General Le Gendre would appear to have resulted in bringing the savage tribes to terms, and to a guarantee being given for the safety and protection of foreigners who may in future be shipwrecked on that coast.
In doing myself the honor of addressing to you the present note, I am authorized by my government to state that they have heard with pleasure of the benefit conferred on the maritime interests of all foreign nations by the energetic measures of the United States consul.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.