Mr. Johnson to Mr. Seward
Sir: Lord Stanley and myself have signed to-day a supplement to the claims convention, which makes two changes in the original. The first is that Washington is to be the place of meeting of the commission instead of London; and the second, rendered necessary by that change, is that the secretary of the commission is to be chosen by our Secretary of State and the British minister at Washington.
I am glad to say that Lord Stanley very readily assented to these alterations, and that he has from the first evinced an earnest desire to settle upon terms entirely satisfactory to the United States every disputed, matter, while scrupulously guarding what he believed to be the rights and honor of his own country; and I am equally glad to say that this is in accordance with the manifest sentiment of the people of all classes, and especially of the statesmen who, if there be a change in the administration here, will be called to the government.
I have the honor to remain, with high regard, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.