Mr. Johnson to Mr. Seward

No. 47.]

Sir: I have more pleasure in saying to you that I have good reasons for believing that there will be no such delay in the execution of the convention relative to the Alabama claims as I anticipated in my confidential dispatch No. 44, of the 4th instant. I think at present that a convention on the subject will be signed in the course of the coming [Page 369] week, and hope to be able to send it to you by the bag of Wednesday or Saturday next. If a satisfactory arrangement is thus made of this perplexing and for a time rather dangerous controversy, there will then be nothing remaining to prevent the return of perfect friendly relations between the two countries, and that such a result will be satisfactory to the people of both, and inure greatly to their joint advantage, I can have no doubt.

I have the honor to remain, with high regard, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.