Mr. Johnson to Mr. Seward.
Sir: On the 18th instant I addressed an official note to Lord Stanley, inclosing a copy of my credentials, and requesting him to inform me on what day her Majesty, the Queen, could honor me with an audience to enable me to present the original.
His lordship being with the Queen on a visit to the continent, my letter was forwarded to him, and in his answer, dated the 21st, he informs me “that on the return of her Majesty to England” he will “not fail to take her Majesty’s pleasure as to the time at which her Majesty will grant me an audience.”
It is said (though I have not been officially advised of it) that her Majesty will return about the third week of the next month; and in a few days thereafter, I have no doubt that I shall be favored with an audience.
I have been, by invitation, on a visit this week to the prime minister, at his country seat, Hughenden Manor, Buckinghamshire, where, besides making his acquaintance, I made that of the lord chancellor, and some [Page 348] other members of the House of Lords. Although nothing of a political character was discussed, the friendly feeling expressed for our government gives me reason to believe that the matters which now embarrass our relations will soon be satisfactorily adjusted.
I have the honor to remain, with regard, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.