Mr. Moran to Mr. Seward

No. 98.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 93, of the 8th instant, I have the honor to transmit herewith farther letters acknowledging the receipt of copies of “The Tributes of the Nations to Abraham Lincoln,” together with a list of the same.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

List of acknowledgments of receipts of “Tributes of Nations to Abraham Lincoln.”

Municipal council, Kidderminster, (2 notes.)

Municipal council, Neath.

Board of Guardians of the Sligo-Union.

Municipal council, King’s Lynn.

Inhabitants of Staplehurst.

Chamber of Commerce, Glasgow.

Methodist New Connection, Sheffield.

Municipal council, Huntingdon,

Municipal council, Halifax.

Renfrewshire Independent, (2 notes,) and copy of paper—August 8, 1868.

Cutlers’ Company, Sheffield.

Inhabitants of Devizes.

Municipal council, Hastings.

Inhabitants of Bridlington.

Municipal council, Deal.

Inhabitants of Ramsgate, (2 notes.)

Municipal council, Scarborough.

Union and Emancipation Society, Hawick.

Working classes, Ipswich, (2 notes.)

Municipal council, Dumbarton.

Municipal council, Lymington.

Working men, Hinton Martell.

Municipal council, Ashton-under-Lyne.

Welsh Baptist Association, (2 notes.)

Municipal council, Kendall, (2 notes.)

Cramlington local board.

Municipal council, Tynemouth, (2 notes.)

Municipal council, Bath.

Commissioners of supply of the county of Fife, (2 notes.)

Municipal council, Margate.

Municipal council, Dorchester.

Municipal council, Selkirk.

Improvement Commissioners of the town of Bury.