Mr. Van Valkenburgh to Mr. Seward
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith, No. 1, copy of a letter from the minister for foreign affairs, covering copy of a proclamation issued at Miako, (Kioto,) relative to the assumption by his Majesty the Tycoon of the title of Kubosama (Shongung.)
In this capacity he is now formally recognized as commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces of Japan, and in time of war as dictator in all matters, civil as well as military.
Ever since Stotobasi assumed the government of this country there existed great reluctance in conferring this title upon him; a change in the constitutional customs, which in this country take the place of fundamental law, being desired by some powerful Diamios, in so far as placing the then vacant shongungship in further abeyance.
The habitual reticence of this government precludes the granting of so much confidence as would enable me fully to comprehend the importance of the event of which the present proclamation is the announcement. It sufficiently indicates, however, that no radical change in the constitution of this government is contemplated.
[Page 68]It is, also, beyond doubt that the assumption of this ancient title, and of the important functions appertaining thereto, by Stotobasi, who, in fact, only represents the junior branch of the Sokugawa dynasty, is more than the mere result of a family arrangement, but that it has a much broader bearing, as it may be presumed on good ground that promises and pledges have been entered into on this occasion.
This political move is unquestionably in the direction of homogeneity and consolidation, and as there is at present abundant evidence of an earnest intention to carry out the treaties with foreign powers in good faith, I am inclined to accept the present proclamation as a favorable omen for the continued improvement of our political and commercial relations with Japan.
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.