Mr. Seward to Mr. Washburn
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of the 25th of March, No. 84. This paper, together with the documents accompanying the same, have been submitted to the President. He learns with sincere pleasure that the government of Paraguay is well inclined to accept on its part the proposition of the United States for its good offices for the restoration of peace in the valley of the Parana. The just expectations of good results from that offer which were entertained by the President are reluctantly surrendered in view of the answer which has been given by the republic of Buenos Ayres for itself and allies. You are at liberty to inform the President of Paraguay that the United [Page 728] States will continue to cherish the same earnest desire for the restoration of peace which it has heretofore manifested.
I am, sir, jour obedient servant,
Charles A. Washburn, Esq., &c., &c., &c.