Mr. Seward to Mr. Dickinson
Sir: Your despatch of the 22d of October, No. 142, has been received. It is accompanied by a statement from the minister of foreign affairs of Nicaragua of the questions which are in debate in reference to the sovereignty of Nicaragua in the territory of the Mosquito reserve, together with the correspondence concerning that statement which has taken place between yourself and the minister for foreign affairs. The statement has been carefully considered, and it will be immediately transmitted to Mr. Adams for his information, with instructions to inquire concerning the antagonistic positions which maybe assumed by the British claimants, and in a spirit of friendship for Nicaragua, to exercise good offices with sound discretion, referring, if necessary, to this department for special instructions.
You are quite right in insisting that the government of Nicaragua shall not violate, by legislation or otherwise, either in letter or spirit, its contract with the Nicaraguan Transit Company. My instructions to Mr. Adams concerning the Mosquito question are given in the confident expectations that your suggestions in respect to the Nicaraguan Transit Company will have been complied with.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
A. B. Dickinson, Esq., &c., &c., &c.